Breath of the Wild - Fell back in love with The Legend of Zelda

in #gaming8 years ago

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

I have spent over 30 in game hours playing the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.  There seems to be so much to explore and enjoy for those of you who love this series.  

The game can be quite intimidating when you first start.  This is a huge open world with tons of places to go, dungeons to figure out, and items to find.  The mechanics and controls are easy enough to figure out and get used to.  I did feel for a while like the A and B buttons were in a different location than I was used to.  However, I got used to the button configuration after some time.

The game requires you to complete the dungeons and temples to gain enough hearts and stamina to be able to complete your final quest. The open world provides opportunities to hunt and gather food and ingredients.  You can then figure out the best recipes for food and potions to regain hearts, stamina, or protect you in some way.

Don't forget to acquire the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield before facing the final foe.  These will help tremendously.  I feel like the game is constantly rewarding and fun to play.  The new expansions open more play options and missions for the hero to complete.  If you are a Legend of Zelda fan like me, you will love and enjoy this game if you have not already.  It really is the open world Zelda game many of us have been waiting for.  For those of you who have already played the game, let me know what you thought of it!