Let's talk about Fields of Mistria - Game Review

in #gaming6 months ago

I absolutely adore this game, SO MUCH!

Fields of Mistria is such a calming, magical experience.

I'd heard about this game sometime later last year and I'd been waiting for it since! In June 17th this year they released a playable demo of the game, which let you play through the first in game day- I loved it! Then on the 5th of August this year it was released in early access, which basically means you can play this game as much as you want, but it is a bit unfinished and they will still be adding things during it's release.

About this game...

The premise of this story is, you are offered a farm lot in this run down town that needs your help after an earthquake wrecked the place. Your goal is to restore this town to it's former glory by doing tasks for villagers, or specific tasks to help rebuild the town shops or increase your town ranking. You are able to go mining, fishing, bug catching, blacksmithing, woodworking, cooking and farming- AND you can use magic!

This is a cosy farming simulator rpg (role-playing game) with some art inspired by 90s anime and taking inspiration from other farming sims such as Stardew Valley.


As mentioned above, this post doesn't include my first time playing this game, but just to note, so far I have 28.7 hours, and I still haven't reached "the end", I've only gotten to the middle of Autumn so far (Winter next)!


Another thing I adore about this game is the character customisation, you get so many options for the initial character creation, and then you unlock many cosmetics after as you play. This is the look I chose for my little farmer. 🥰


This is my house so far! I really need to upgrade it for a bigger floor space soon, I have too much furniture I want to use for decoration but no space lol, I'm hoping to decorate with some sort of theme in mind, my favourite items at the moment are the gothic/witchy items and the spring items, I am searching for some Halloween/autumnal items though!


Here's my little plant area, you can expand it and change the layout but I've been too lazy lol, I will get to it at some point because I want to decorate and make it look cute and organised! As you can see, my character is casting a spell- this is a rain spell which waters all my plants in one go by creating some rain briefly- it's super helpful!


My inventory! In games like these, I'm quite slow to progress as I like relaxing and taking my time, so my armour and tools are a bit low quality and I need to upgrade them!


My little farm animals! Here are my 4 chickens and 2 cows, and my cows playing outside with a beach ball- so cute! In this game it's recommended to let your animals out when it's sunny, but you need to remember to let them back in at night or they will be unhappy!


Here's what the outside of my house looks like at the moment, the big yellow flower is actually a rug which should be indoors but I thought the huge flower looked really cute and unusual lol. Still trying to think of how I'd like to decorate the outside or if I'd like to use any sort of theme, I'm not sure! I haven't been doing much furniture crafting so my woodworking level is quite low- I need to do more.


I'm really fond of the characters and character interactions in Fields of Mistria, all of the NPCs (non playable characters) feel really fleshed out and thoughtful. They have so many different bits of dialogue and they all interact with each other, when walking through town they usually have little speech bubbles on top of them, or it shows them having a conversation with other NPCs- it's so sweet! There are romanceable characters in this game but to be honest I don't care much for that so I only interact with villagers when I actually need to, my farmer is anti social lol.


I had this quest to get some Moon berries for a character called Juniper, luckily I found some while I was out foraging for stuff to sell- so I can go turn in this quest and get given a recipe which includes this moon berry I picked up.


I love her design so much! She reminds me of a Sailor Moon character, she's the only (?) witch in town so I absolutely love her furniture and general aesthetic. I also really love the inclusion of the dog as a character you can chat to and, of course, give pets to!


I caught a bug and a fish and both times my character made a cute peace sign pose, I had to include this screenshot as it's too cute lol.


I decided to do some cooking so I could increase my skill (which eventually unlocks more cooking recipes) and because a cooked item will increase the sell price of a regular item- and I'm trying to save up to revamp my house!


I made quite a bit of money in this game day, I've found making money in Fields of Mistria very slow, but I've started to do more cooking and foraging daily which has helped with that a lot!

That's it for this post! I'll try make another Fields of Mistria post soon because I love this game lol.

If anyone is interested in playing it, this early-access game costs £11.79, which is around 70.74 STEEM.

Thank you for reading!


It really is! I love the art style so much, and it's super relaxing too!