Let's learn about MOBA! Understand the 3 phases in the game so you can be bigger and not confuse again.

in #gaming7 years ago

You often hear the term early game, half game and last game in the MOBA game? Let's learn more so you can understand and add good ones!

Lately, MOBA games are multiplying in several platforms, both for PC and mobile devices. For PC, there are some MOBA games that you can enjoy, from Dota 2, League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm. Do not forget it also for mobile devices like Mobile Legends, Arena of Valor or Vainglory. All of them have the same objective of destroying the enemy base and defeating the opponent.

To do that, you need a good strategy to defeat the enemy according to the phase of the game. This phase itself is known as the start of the game, half of the game and end of the game. But what does this phase mean and what to do? Therefore, we will discuss the three phases of this MOBA game so you can better understand what to do. The calculation phase itself is not based on the duration of the game, but on the average hero level in the game. Instead of delaying it, take a look at the full review below so you do not get confused again with your hero duties in certain phases.

Early Game


This first phase is the initial phase where the beginning begins from the beginning of the game. Depending on the game you play, the hero level may vary. In the game Dota 2, the initial phase of the game takes place when the average hero is still around the level of 1-10. While in Mobile Legends, Arena of Valor and Vainglory when the hero level is at level 1-6.

During this phase, each hero role certainly has its own task. For the midlane, his job is to keep the lane and level himself faster than other heroes. When the level is larger, the midlane heroes can already start moving to help another difficult lane.

To take hero or ADC, tend to be weak in the first games, so they are more focused on agriculture to get elements faster than other heroes because most of the heroes with this role depend heavily on the elements.

For the offlaner, his task is not too heavy to maintain the lane and clean the creep wave that arrives as quickly as possible. In some games, these heroes of the takeoff line usually obtain levels slower than those of carry or midlaner, although only because the hero is usually protected by 3 heroes at a time, which hinders their level. The task is easy, but the pressure is very heavy.


So, what about the hero's support? Hero-hero with this role is stronger at the beginning of the game to control the enemies that make the hook or even help the friends to win. In Dota 2, the hero's support also has the duty to guard in gang-prone locations to maintain the position of carriage. While in the mobile MOBA, the hero's stand is on guard to monitor the bush for additional vision and keep the heroes friends who will be hooked.

Mid Game


After the initial phase of the game, the next term used is in the middle of the game or in the middle of the game. In the game Dota 2, the middle phase of the game takes place when the average hero has reached the level of 11-18. While in Mobile Legends, Arena of Valor or Vainglory takes place with a shorter level, which is around level 7-11.

During this phase, some heroes experience significant task changes. Intermediate heroes who already have enough good elements will generally start cheating more often with the support of heroes in order to annoy the hero with his enemies so that they have trouble leveling and cultivating.

In general, the pitcher had already started to leave his lane and began to attack the hero with other heroes. Most of these offline heroes also have levels and elements that are good enough to get started.


Enter the middle of the game is a hero to wear a little more brightness than the first games. Usually, they already have very good elements with pretty bad damage and can kill the enemies along with other teammates when necessary. But they remain focused on agriculture before obtaining the key element according to the hero that is played.

On the contrary, the hero's support potential slowly dims upon entering this phase. Your job is to help other heroes to do gangs or help when things go wrong. The hero's support must also dare to die for other members of the team that have more important roles, such as carry or midlaner. In this phase also sometimes the game ends if one of the fields has lost a lot since the beginning of the game.

Late Game

If the game is not yet finished, the last phase is where the game must end because the hero has reached its maximum capacity. In Dota 2, late games are generally run from level 18 and mobile MOBA from level 12 onwards.

All roles already have the same task, that is, destroy the enemy base along with the strategy. The official hero who became the initiator usually initiates initiation when there is an opportunity to greet other heroes. A good positioning is needed to launch the correct combination so that the enemies can finish and finish the game instantly. Since this hero phase leads you have the most important role in the game to take down the enemy quickly. The support of the hero was only responsible for supporting the execution of the carry through the use of all kinds of control of disablement or crowd control they have.

That was the 3 main phases in each MOBA game that you should know. Now do not confuse the same role in certain phases yes guys! Do not forget to follow the social networks of DuniaGames to get interesting information about other MOBA games, guys!