Agoes Gaming - Learn To Understand Hero Lina Game Dota 2 + Biography (Vol.93)[Billingual]

Hello Steemian ...! how are you all, I hope all of you are fine, Amiin ...! Come back with me @agoesdeuge. Who always smile to make writing that you can understand for newly dive in Game Dota 2. May be useful for beginners in the Game. On this occasion I will discuss the hero who can be a Nuker / Semi support to help the team in one game, which is where the skill he got is very useful early in the game and when the game arrives in the late position of the game. The Hero I mean is Hero Lina.
Lina is a long-distance intelligence hero who is adept at destroying enemy heroes quickly by delivering huge bursts of magical damage, making him one of the most effective gankers in the game. He has a huge destructive ability throughout the game, a very fragile blow. two of his fiery spells are the main source of damage, Dragon Slave sends a flame wave to burn enemies in his path while the Light Strike Array stuns them with concentrated solar flame pillars. Each spell deals great damage from the start and has a low cooldown. His fiery soul amplifies the speed of his attacks and movements each time he scores a spell, which gives little damage to the game later. Laguna Blade, most recently, is its ace in the hole. Lina fired a huge lightning shot at one target, overcoming colossal damage. Blade Lagoon damage is very surprising at the start of the game and the late game is still enough to destroy the weak enemy heroes.

Has the advantage of a very deadly skill with his first skill that can issue Fire and can easily remove the enemy's HP. and also with Ultimate skills he can easily attack his enemy when one on one then the enemy will easily be killed because of the Dragon Slave's skill damage, Light Strike Array and great Ultimate skills.
Has a relatively low HP and a very less survival that makes it easy to get killed by enemy heroes. Only the pro can use this hero well.
About hero Lina
As deadly as he was with her, Lina easily attacked any foolish enemy to attack her alone. Increasing attack speed with every spell he gets, he ruffles enemies with fire and Lightning skills, making sure only a few can survive his attacks.
- Carry
- Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
Biography Hero Lina
The brothers' rivalry between Lina the killer, and Rylai's sister Crystal Maiden, are legends in temperate climates where they spend their childhood quarrels. Lina always had an advantage, but for the moment Crystal Maiden was honest and naive, Lina's fiery spirit was filled with cleverness and conspiracy. The desperate parents of this unsuitable breed passed half a dozen homesteads. As the eldest, Lina was sent far to the south to live with a patient aunt in the desert who was mistaken for negligence, a climate that proved more comfortable for fiery killers. His arrival made an impression on the lonely locals, and more than one applicant scratched his fingers or left with raised eyebrows, his progress was denied. Lina is proud and confident, and nothing can dampen the flame.
1.Dragon Slave

Lina drew the sparks of a dragon fire, sending out a wave of fire that burned every enemy in her path.
- Ability: Target Unit
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: No.
- Damage: 310 In level Max
- Mana: 145 In level Max
2. Light Strike Array

removing destructive fire column capability and subjugating enemies to enemy stuns.
- Ability: Target Point
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: Strong Dispels Only
- Radius: 225
- Cast Delay: 0.5
- Stun Duration: 2.5 In level Max
- Damage: 200 In level Max
- Mana: 130 In level Max
3. Fiery Soul

Gets bonus attack and movement speed every time Lina spells out. Pile with itself. Lasts 10 Seconds.
- Ability: Target Point
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Dispellable: Can not be dispelled
- Attack Speed Bonus: 85 In Max Level
- Move Speed Bonus: 8% In level Max
- Max Stacks: 3
- Duration: 10
4. Laguna Blade

Shoots a lightning ability on against one enemy that can inflict massive damage.
- Affects: Target Unit
- Affects: Enemy Unit
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: No.
- Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter
- Damage: 850 In level Max
- Mana: 680 In level Max
- Duration: 50 In level Max
1. Starting and Early Items

- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Null Talisman, +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +7 Intelligence.
- Bottle, Active: Regenerate, Cooldown item: 0.5 Seconds.
- Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.
2. Core Items (MIDDLE)

- Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
- Bloodstone, +475 Health, +425 Mana, +7 HP Regeneration, +2 Where Regeneration.
- Shadow Blade, +22 Damage, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Shadow Walk, Where needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 28 seconds.
3. Situational Items

- Aether Lens, +450 Mana, +1.25 Mana Regeneration. Increases targeted spell and item cast range by 250.
- Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana: 175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
- Hurricane Pike, +13 Intelligence, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +20 Agility, +15 Strength, Active: Hurricane Thrust, Mana Takes: 25, Cooldown Item: 18 Seconds, Allied Range: 800, Enemy Range: 400.
- Linken's Sphere, +15 All Attributes, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Where Regeneration, Passive: Spellblock, Cooldown Item: 13 Seconds.
4. Extensions Item

- Boots Of Travel, +100 Movement Speed, Active: Teleport, Where needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 45 Seconds.
- Blink Dagger, Active: Blink, Cooldown Item: 12 seconds.
- Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.
- Shiva's Guard, +30 Intelligence, + 15 Armor, Active: Arctic Blast, Where needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 30 seconds Passive: Freezing Aura, Radius: 900.
- Mjollnir, +24 Damage, +80 Attack Speed, Active: Static Charge, Where needed: 50, Cooldown Item: 35 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Bloodthorn, +25 Intelligence, +30 Attack Speed, +60 Damage, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active: Soul Rend, Where needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 18 Seconds, Range: 900, Passive: Critical Strike.

- Level 10 Talent tree skill: +100 Cast Range
- Level 15 Skill talent tree: +140 Lught Strike Array Damage
- Level 20 Talent tree skill: + 25/2% Fiery Soul per Stack
- Level 25 Talent tree skill: +175 Attack Range
You really need the level to be able to contribute well. Therefore, stay on the lane and farm your hero at some initial level. If you bring Clarity, you can skill 1 and 2 to frighten the enemy. Note also the position of your enemy. If you feel your opponent is out of position, you can kill him with the help of his Hero's skill. Just make sure you have a team mate who is doing damage.
If you feel you have enough level (level three or four), consider your options. If you feel the lane you are in need of help, stay on the lane or have your team mate kill the opponent's hero on the lane. If you feel the lane you are occupying does not need help, do another rotation and gank lane.
Here's what I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, see you in the next hero.
SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
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Hello Steemian...! apa kabar kalian semua, saya harap kalian semua dalam keadaan baik-baik saja, Amiin...! Kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge. Yang selalu tersenyum untuk membuat tulisan yang bisa anda pahami bagi yang baru terjun dalam Game Dota 2. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang pemula didalam Game tersebut. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas hero yang bisa menjadi Nuker/Semi support untuk membantu tim di dalam satu pertandingan, yang dimana skill yang ia punya sangat berguna di awal pertandingan dan saat game tiba di posisi late pertandingan. Hero yang saya maksud adalah Hero Lina.
Lina adalah hero intelijen jarak jauh yang mahir menghancurkan hero musuh dengan cepat dengan memberikan ledakan besar kerusakan magis, membuatnya salah satu gankers paling efektif dalam permainan. Dia memiliki kemampuan merusak yang sangat besar sepanjang pertandingan, sebuah pukulan sangat rapuh. dua mantra berapi-api nya adalah sumber utama kerusakan, Dragon Slave mengirimkan gelombang api untuk membakar musuh di jalannya sementara Light Strike Array stuns mereka dengan pilar terkonsentrasi api matahari. Masing-masing mantranya menangani kerusakan besar sejak awal dan memiliki cooldown rendah. Jiwa berapi-apinya memperkuat kecepatan serangan dan gerakannya setiap kali dia mencetak mantra, yang memberi sedikit kerusakan pada game nanti. Laguna Blade, yang paling akhir, adalah ace-nya di dalam lubang. Lina melepaskan tembakan petir yang sangat besar pada satu target, mengatasi kerusakan kolosal. Kerusakan Laguna Blade sangat mengejutkan di awal pertandingan dan permainan terlambat masih cukup untuk menghancurkan hero musuh yang lemah.

Memiliki kelebihan dari skill yang sangat mematikan dengan skill Pertamanya yang dapat mengeluarkan Api dan dapat dengan mudah menghilangkan HP musuh. dan juga dengan skill Ultimate ia bisa dengan mudah menyerang musuhnya saat satu lawan satu maka musuh akan mudah terbunuh karena damage skill Dragon Slave, Light Strike Array dan skill Ultimate yang besar.
Memiliki HP yang relatif rendah dan bertahannya yang sangat kurang sehingga membuatnya mudah terbunuh oleh hero musuh. Hanya orang yang pro dapat menggunakan hero ini dengan baik.
About hero Lina
Sama mematikannya dengan dia, Lina dengan mudah menyerang musuh mana pun yang cukup bodoh untuk menyerangnya sendirian. Menambah kecepatan serangan dengan setiap mantra yang dia dapatkan, dia mengacak-acak musuh dengan api dan skill Lightning, memastikan hanya sedikit yang dapat bertahan dari serangannya.
- Carry
- Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
Biography Hero Lina
Persaingan saudara antara Lina si pembunuh, dan adik perempuannya Rylai, Crystal Maiden, adalah barang legenda di daerah beriklim sedang dimana mereka menghabiskan masa kecil mereka yang suka bertengkar bersama. Lina selalu memiliki keuntungan, namun untuk sementara Crystal Maiden itu jujur dan naif, semangat Lina yang berapi-api dipenuhi oleh kepintaran dan berkomplot. Orang tua yang putus asa dari keturunan yang tidak sesuai ini melewati setengah lusin homesteads. Sebagai yang tertua, Lina dikirim jauh ke selatan untuk tinggal dengan bibi pasien di padang pasir yang keliru karena kelalaian, iklim yang terbukti lebih nyaman bagi pembunuh yang berapi-api. Kedatangannya membuat kesan pada penduduk setempat yang kesepian, dan lebih dari satu calon pelamar menggaruk jari-jarinya atau pergi dengan alis terangkat, kemajuannya ditolak. Lina bangga dan percaya diri, dan tidak ada yang bisa meredam nyala api.
1.Dragon Slave

Lina mengeluarkan ilmu semburan api naga, mengirimkan gelombang api yang membakar setiap musuh di jalannya.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: No
- Damage: 310 In level Max
- Mana: 145 In level Max
2. Light Strike Array

mengeluarkan kemampuan kolom api yang merusak dan menundukkan musuh hingga musuh terkena stun.
- Ability: Point Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: Strong Dispels Only
- Radius: 225
- Cast Delay: 0.5
- Stun Duration: 2.5 In level Max
- Damage: 200 In level Max
- Mana: 130 In level Max
3. Fiery Soul

Mendapat bonus serangan dan kecepatan gerakan setiap kali Lina mengeluarkan mantra. Tumpukan dengan dirinya sendiri. Berlangsung 10 Detik.
Ability: Point Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Attack Speed Bonus: 85 In level Max
- Move Speed Bonus: 8% In level Max
- Max Stacks: 3
- Duration: 10
4. Laguna Blade

Menembakkan kemampuan kilat di terhadap satu musuh yang dapat menimbulkan kerusakan besar-besaran.
- Affects: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Unit
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter
- Damage: 850 In level Max
- Mana: 680 In level Max
- Duration: 50 In level Max
1. Starting and Early Items

- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Null Talisman, +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +7 Intelligence.
- Bottle, Active: Regenerate, Cooldown item: 0.5 Seconds.
- Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.
2. Core Items (MIDDLE)

- Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
- Bloodstone, +475 Health, +425 Mana, +7 HP Regeneration, +2 Mana Regeneration.
- Shadow Blade, +22 Damage, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Shadow Walk, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 28 seconds.
3. Situational Items

- Aether Lens, +450 Mana, +1.25 Mana Regeneration. Increases targeted spell and item cast range by 250.
- Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
- Hurricane Pike, +13 Intelligence, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +20 Agility, +15 Strength, Active: Hurricane Thrust, Mana Takes: 25, Cooldown Item: 18 Seconds, Allied Range: 800, Enemy Range : 400.
- Linken's Sphere, +15 All Attributes, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Passive: Spellblock, Cooldown Item: 13 Seconds.
4. Extensions Item

- Boots Of Travel, +100 Movement Speed, Active: Teleport, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 45 Seconds.
- Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds.
- Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.
- Shiva's Guard, +30 Intelligence, + 15 Armor, Active: Arctic Blast, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 30 seconds Passive: Freezing Aura, Radius: 900.
- Mjollnir, +24 Damage, +80 Attack Speed, Active: Static Charge, Where needed: 50, Cooldown Item: 35 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Bloodthorn, +25 Intelligence, +30 Attack Speed, +60 Damage, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active: Soul Rend, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 18 Seconds, Range: 900, Passive: Critical Strike.

- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +100 Cast Range
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +140 Lught Strike Array Damage
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +25/2% Fiery Soul per Stack
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : +175 Attack Range
Anda sangat membutuhkan level agar bisa berkontribusi dengan baik. Karena itu, tinggallah di lane dan farming hero anda di beberapa level awal. Jika anda membawa Clarity, anda bisa melakukan skill 1 dan 2 untuk menakuti musuh. Perhatikan juga posisi musuh anda. Jika kamu merasa lawan out of position, anda bisa membunuhnya dengan bantuan Skill yang dimiliki hero. Cukup pastikan anda punya rekan setim yang memberikan damage.
Jika anda merasa sudah punya level yang cukup (level tiga atau empat), pertimbangkan opsi kamu. Jika anda merasa lane yang anda tempati masih membutuhkan bantuan, tinggal di lane tersebut atau minta rekan setimmu membunuh hero lawan di lane tersebut. Jika anda merasa lane yang anda tempati tidak memerlukan bantuan, lakukan rotasi dan gank lane lain.
Inilah yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya minta maaf, sampai jumpa di hero berikutnya.
SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2

Nice post brothers.. please follback and upvote @jackvoo.. nice to know u..!
Thank you brother @jackvoo. Nice to meet u to