Old South Park Space Invaders School Project from over 10 years ago
South Park Space Invaders School Project
Found my old high school project where I chose to make a South Park themed Space Invaders style game.
I do not own the rights to anything South Park related; this is just a little fan game I made in high school using images found online and music and sound effects from South Park Studios website. With a request from the right people I will remove this project, no problem.
If you look at the code or project please note this was one of my first programming projects past in class examples over 10 years ago.
Due to this being a school project back in the day, it has a couple quirks... to play the game you need to 'register', which just means put whatever you want in the username and password fields on the register screen and you can then login with that info. Part of the project was to have a login screen and so there it is.
Other than that, just have fun.
You play as either Stan, Kyle , Cartman, or Butters in a fight against the Crab people and a couple bosses along the way. There is also a 2-player snow ball fight mode.
A or LEFT ARROW - Left
D or RIGHT ARROW - Right
SPACE - Shoot
Player 1
W - Up
S - Down
SPACE - Shoot
Player 2
NUMPAD 0 - Shoot
To Play
You should be able to simply run the Final.exe
in Final/bin/Debug/
You can download the south-park-space-invaders-v1.0.0.zip
via the Releases page to just get the build.
Designed & Developed by: Richard Roylance (@rroylance)
Sounds courtesy of: www.southparkstudios.com