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RE: Infinite Mana Eldrazi Tron

in #games7 years ago

Sweet brew! Eldrazi are what got me excited about playing constructed. Sucks that you feel priced out of standard. I played nothing but drafts and pre-releases for a while for that reason, then ended up opening 2 Gideon's and being able to build something decent for Standard. I got back into the game during khans block standard, and it was as pricey as Modern for a while. If you wanted to get back into the format, now's a great time. All of the legal sets have been printed into oblivion on account of Masterpieces, so cost of entry is pretty low unless your local meta is full of tier 1 grinder netdecks.


I recently found out that the price of Relentless Dead skyrocketed and i have a play set!
So I might create a standard zombie deck.
I think i also have a few gravecrawlers.
How are zombie decks doing ?

Zombies are great right now. Liliana makes Zombies, and the Amonkhet block has Zombies in basically every form and color thanks to the embalm mechanic. Some stuff from the next block (Ixalan) got spoiled this week, and there's a rare card in it that's really going to reward tribal decks.

Plus, since they banned aetherworks marvel, the meta is wide open for innovation. Amonkhet's a great draft set, so that's a great way to pick up cards if you have an LGS whose events have decent EV

Good job cracking Gideons!

Got them out of some packs I got for free using my points at Walgreens, even.