in #games6 years ago

Hi my friends from Steemit, but this video game of suspense and horror terror will please you very much and this video game is called Resident Evil 4.

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The Story of the video game

Chapter 1.1 the arrival to the town: In short you can see Leon explaining in his thoughts the events that occurred in Raccoon City, what happened after Claire and Leon left Raccoon City in Resident Evil 2 and when he joined the government of the U.S.

Now he must complete a new mission to rescue Ashley Graham, the daughter of the president of E.E.U.U kidnapped by a group not yet identified and it is possible that the kidnapper is an infiltrator of the organization.

Leon abandons his thoughts when one of the Spanish policemen who accompany him begins to speak in English in handcuffs.

He says and you! Who are you really? Come on, tell us! You are very far from cowboy house, you have my sympathy.

It seems that he had spent an eternity since he was a rookie cop, ever since he arrived in Raccoon City, since the incident with Umbrella.

In the middle of the road, one of the policemen gets out of the car to urinate, the policeman while urinating can feel that they are stalking him from the bushes, but they both think that it is their imaginations and they get into the car then they pass a bridge, the car He stops in front of a house and the lion comes down to take a look.

When we have control in Leon, we will advance a little and shoot the crows to get some very important coins to buy weapons and be able to trick them.

Continue on the road, and before entering the house, go to the left side of the house to break the box, then enter it.

Leon advances already inside and he meets Don José a villager, León shows him a picture of Ashley and they ask him if he has seen her in that remote place.

Don José insults him by telling him what you're doing here, go fuck yourself but the lion tries to retire but Don José is enraged and tries to hit him with an ax but León, with the training he has received, avoids the ax.

Here we must shoot at the feet so that he falls on his knees and quickly give him a deadly kick, to save ammunition, if he does not die hitting him with the knife.

Once the villager is dead, the lion hears a truck pulling away, goes to the window and sees with amazement how a truck enlisted the police car and throws them across the abyss in these circumstances will receive a call from Ingrid Hunnigan, the only contact of lion in the USA.

For this mission, Hunnigan will ask how everything goes, lion will respond that he met a villager and that he went crazy and had to neutralize it but after that, a group of villagers surrounds the house to kill him.

Now we must go to the second floor of the house, collect the ammunition for the gun and jump out the window, we must eliminate the cattle, it is recommended to shoot them in the legs and kick them, then when they are on the ground, finish them with the knife to save ammunition .

Once the lion finished with the cattle, he went to the cliff and saw how the police car was destroyed at the bottom of the abyss, it was obvious that there were no survivors.

Now we must go down the road that was blocked by the truck and enter the cabin inside, take the ammunition from the gun, break all the boxes with the knife to save ammunition and take all the objects found in them, if you want you can save the game on the typewriter.

Now get out of the hut and kill the two crows in the distance try to get first to the one on the sign, because you have an explosive grenade now follow where the crows were until you get where a dog trapped in a trap you must release it .

And he will help you to fight the giant continues on the path until you see that it is closed by dynamite and in the middle of a trap, deactivates the trap with the knife and continues to kill the cattle that will be with a carving a bit beyond the trap.

It uses the technique of shooting at the feet or the head to throw a kick and finish it on the ground with the knife.

Now we must continue on the road until we see a cabin, inside there will be boxes rómpelas with the knife and take their objects and a village nailed to the wall, leave the cabin and kill with the gun to the villagers that appear below, then continue through the way.

Some villagers will go to warn others of your presence, do not spend your ammunition on them, it is impossible to reach them and enter carefully the other cabin, kill the villager who is inside, break the boxes and collect all the objects, then advance up to the gate and enter.

Hunnigan will call Leon again to ask how everything is going, lion will tell you better not to ask and then.

Leon will realize that he has arrived in the town and will take a look with his binoculars. This last thing is if the player decides it, lion will realize that in the middle there is a kind of bonfire and that one of the policemen is tied in it.

In addition there will be several cattle working in agrarian tasks while saying insults now we must move slowly, when they see you enter the house that is between the tower and the road to face him.

Dr. Savior and earn extra coins if you do not want to face him, do not enter the house or go along the path next to the tower goes up to the second floor and take the shotgun, the grenade in the display case and the cartridges on the bed.

Then go through the window and head towards the road where you came from, when the normal cattle approach them, shoot them with the pistol at their feet or head and then kick them, when Dr. Salvador comes.

The saw moto changes to the gun and shoot him to take him down and then switches to the gun and Top it off on the floor, repeat this technique until you kill Dr. Salvador or the bell rings and we all go to church to win extra coins You must kill Dr Salvador.

Another way to go through that battle without spending a lot of ammunition is to go into the house on the right of the fire in front of Dr. Salvador's house.

Then stuck the door with drawer this side, and then you shoot the door making a hole you approach and start stabbing and all the villagers who come die with several stab must not open the door before the timer goes bell because more villagers will come out.

Now you must continue along the path next to the tower and the house where Dr. Salvador appeared and enter through the gate at the back, once inside move stealthily to the first cabin, in that place saves the game and breaks the barrels to obtain SPECIAL items.

Now arm yourself with the gun and shoot the villagers and use the technique of shooting + kicking, take a tour of the place, break the barrels and collect the items.

With which you can do the secondary mission of shooting the blue medallions later on it will give you a free Punisher and do not forget the beer mug that is on the first floor but on the other side of the house for it you must go to the second floor.

Then kill the villager, and go down the balcony to where there is a closet, push it, break the box and take the beer mug.

Now go through the gate that continues on the other side of the house, when you enter there will be a road and a sign that was on the way to the town continues until you see a group of villagers throw a big rock.

The rock will collide and it will be destroyed, letting you see the tunnel you have to go, shoot the spinels on the roof with the gun, when you get out of the other side there will be some dynamite cattle trying,

Throw it at her, try to get her to the dynamite with the gun to kill the villagers and get out of there once they throw her, repeat this technique with all the villagers and watch out for the explosive traps.

Leon does not leave his astonishment, but he does not want to waste that luck and continues to investigate until he reaches an old mansion.

There, hidden in a closet, he finds a gagged person who does not seem to share the same madness that surrounds the rest of the peasants.

But he has no opportunity to verify his identity, since at that moment a tall man enters with several villagers who in a second immobilizes him and leaves him senseless.

Chapter 1.2: When he regains consciousness he is tied next to the person who was in the closet.

His name is Luis Sera and he was a policeman in Madrid, but apparently he left the body disgusted by the lack of appreciation that is usually attributed to that profession.

In addition, Luis confirms his suspicions by telling him that he has heard several villagers talk that they are holding the president's daughter in the village church.

It is then when a villager enters carrying an ax with clear intentions to attack them, but thanks to a skillful combined movement of both serves to cut their ties.

Luis runs out without a word and Leon, now that he knows he is on the right track, communicates the new information by radio, also receiving the news that apparently after the incidents there is a sect called The Illuminati.

On the way to the church, he passes through a house with less rustic decoration, where the tall man falls prey again.

His name is Bitores Méndez, and apparently it is the head of the village Méndez tells him that his blood runs through his veins now, but that if he goes over ready he will suffer serious consequences.

Then a strange figure appears hanging from the other side of the window and shoots at Méndez causing him to let go and turn around to launch himself against the window in search of him.

Leon remains on the floor in ecstasy wondering what he meant by carrying the same blood and why he was so familiar with the figure of the person who had saved him.

He would worry about that later, now time is short, following the path he arrives at the cemetery, where the church is located, but the door is closed and apparently only opens using a special key that is on the other side of the lake.

Without further delay, he runs to the aforementioned place and as soon as he arrives he observes in horror how two villagers throw the body of the other policeman into the water to feed a huge beast that lives inside.

With determination, Leon does not think twice and using a boat moored near there goes into the lake.

The beast soon notices its presence and attacks it with aggressiveness leaving only the possibility of defending itself with some harpoons that are in the boat.

After a bitter battle manages to defeat it and reaches the other shore, however, something is not working well the body does not respond, everything turns around and without being able to do anything about it falls down to the ground.

Chapter 2: When he regains consciousness he finds himself lying in a cabin near the shore, remembering only a horrible nightmare in which his body gave way to a strange force that dominated him against his will.

That's when Hunnigan, his operator at the headquarters, calls him on the radio and tells him that he has been unconscious for 6 hours and that possibly that faint is related to what Méndez mentioned about the blood.

For the rest, it seems that the person who had brought him to the cabin while he was unconscious had left him a note indicating the whereabouts of the key to the church.

Once with the key in his power Leon retraces his steps, not without first having a run-in with a huge creature called El Gigante that the villagers had bet on to prevent him from reaching his goal.

When he defeats him he manages to enter the church and there he finally finds Ashley, who remained tied in a shed.
After reassuring her and making her aware of the rescue mission, she communicates again with Hunnigan and informs her about where they should go to pick up the rescue helicopter.

But at that moment a strange hooded figure appears that responds to the name of Osmund Saddler.

Apparently it is the leader of the sect and tells them that Ashley has injected a kind of eggs through which you can control it once hatch inside.

With this he intends to show the United States his power and extract money to finance his cause. Leon is also infected, was injected when he was captured hours earlier.

Taking advantage of an oversight of Saddler Leon grabs Ashley by the hand and escape jumping through a window.

If before the time was pressing now it is urgent that they arrive as soon as possible to the meeting place, but things go from bad to worse, the villagers are warned and they ambush them to each step, and for more INRI halfway Hunnigan contacts them again to inform that the helicopter has been shot down.

Even so they continue and arrive until the door of exit of the town, that is closed by a mechanism of scanner of retina.

The only person who can open it is Bitores Méndez, who luckily or unfortunately appears shortly after and faces Leon becoming a terrible creature.

After a huge fight, Leon defeats him and tears off his crystal eye, through which he manages to activate the mechanism for opening the door.

The village is left behind, but the villagers do not give up and a horde of them chases them to the doors of a huge castle forcing them to enter as the only escape route.

Chapter 3: Nothing else to enter Leon loses contact with Hunnigan and Luis appears communicating to them that it has a drug to avoid the convulsions caused by the parasite that they have inoculated to him, but lamentably it has fallen to him by the way and it must return for him.

Ashley offers help to get him back, but he insists that he should go alone, as if it were something personal.

They accept and continue on their way in search of an exit, until they run into the owner of the castle, a strange character of short stature who calls himself Ramón Salazar.

This one is in charge of the Illuminati, the sect created by Saddler that in that fortress and worships Las Plagas, which is the name given to the parasites whose eggs are now inside.

According to comments, he is not like the villagers, he has absolute control over Las Plagas and he will recover Ashley at all costs.

Said and done, Ashley soon falls through a passage victim of one of the castle's traps and Leon has no choice but to find her before the Illuminati reach her.

In his search he comes across the person who had helped him from the window in his first confrontation with Méndez, he was not wrong, his suspicions come true.

The mysterious girl is colder than ever and eludes his questions to say goodbye to him thanks to a smoke bomb that was incorporated into his glasses.

Leon is perplexed by the attitude of Ada but does not have time to think about her, Ashley is in grave danger.

Following his search a little later he meets again with Luís, who shows him a sample of the parasite.

Unfortunately, Saddler appears behind him without a word crossing his chest using a kind of organic tentacle and disappears taking the sample.

Agonizing, Luis tells Leon that he was a scientist under Saddler's orders but decided to leave when he discovered the purpose of such investigations. Before dying he gives him the drug that he had promised.

Leon's rage and pain over the death of his friend are only slightly relieved when he discovers that in that same room is where Ashley had gone.

After getting rid of the Illuminati who had also arrived, he meets her again and resumes his main objective, to escape from the castle.

Chapter 4: In their escape they run into a large room whose center hangs a huge hive, then an insect-shaped creature grabs Ashley and takes her leaving Leon at the mercy of dozens of other creatures like her.

After getting rid of them he runs in the direction where the first insect had escaped and runs into Salazar again.

He tells her that they are going to prepare Ashley for a ritual after which she will be one of them, Leon tries to avoid it, but falls into a trap that takes him directly to the mines, in the underground of the castle.

Apparently in those hidden mines is where they found years ago plagues buried by the ancestors of Salazar.

This one, possibly manipulated by Saddler, convinced the villagers to recover them, without knowing that they only remained asleep waiting to be awakened, waiting for guests to control.

After facing one of Salazar's minions, two giants and even an enormous sculpture with the shape of it, he manages to reach a tower on the outskirts of the castle where he finally manages to give chase.

However Salazar tells him that Ashley has already passed the ritual and has been taken to an island on the other side of the castle.

Then he and his other henchman fuse with a huge creature in the shape of a plant and violently attack Leon.

After a fierce battle manages to defeat them and descends quickly from the tower to the pier to get to the island.

That's where she unexpectedly meets Ada, who waits for him in a boat and she says to him, "Do you need a nice ride?" Eh okay.

Chapter 5: Nothing else to arrive at the island Ada jumps of the boat aluding that it has some subjects that to solve and leaves to Leon only.

The latter, on taking land, discovers that things will not be easier here, since the reception committee, unlike the villagers and the enlightened from the previous areas, is organized as if an army expert in guerrilla warfare was will try
Luckily, at the moment you can locate Ashley and see how they take her inside a building in the shape of a large industrial warehouse.

After overcoming several ambushes of these enemies and even face a new species of creature able to regenerate after being damaged, manages to reach Ashley and together again start the escape, this time mounted on an excavator through the underground tunnels of the island.

When they can not advance further down and continue on foot, unhappily they meet again with Saddler, who this time is left detours and teaches them the control they can exercise over the parasites that dwell inside them both.

With a simple gesture of his hand immobilizes Leon and with another makes Ashley lose all will and follow him. For a change, Leon has returned to stay alone, and this time he worries more.

Because what has happened can only mean that they have very little time left before the Plagues dominate them completely.

Fortunately, before he had taken it, he had managed to attach a tracker to it, and following its signal, it was on its way again.

Then he runs into someone he did not expect to see there, an old colleague named Krause whom he believed dead two years ago.

This not only attacks him but reveals that he was the one who kidnapped Ashley to give him to Saddler, but only to gain his trust and steal a sample of the Plagues.
In addition, he tells him that he does not work alone, he is allied with Ada and they both fulfill Wesker's orders in a mysterious plan that apparently has to do with the resurgence of Umbrella.

When the fight seems to lean in Krause's favor, Ada appears and prevents him from striking the final blow, demonstrating with this action that he does not really follow his ideals.

After this both disappear and Leon continues his path to be desolate shortly after when he runs into Ashley's tracker lying on the ground.

Although he does not have much time to react, since a new creature attacks him violently under the orders of Saddler.

After defeating it he arrives until a rufada, his old comrade not only shows him the hatred he feels for him, but has also been treated with some kind of virus, possibly by Wesker, which makes him mutate complicating things even more than they were .

Not without difficulties, León manages to defeat him by moving to the next area of ​​that fortress where, although it may seem incredible, the situation worsens considerably.

The bulk of Saddler's army protects that area armed to the teeth, Leon has no idea how he will cross this last line when he receives a radio transmission of the second helicopter, which has just arrived and opens fire on all his opponents.

Unfortunately, although the help makes Leon reach his goal, a missile collapses at the last moment, Saddler smiles with satisfaction as Leon swears to pay for it.

Finally, it arrives to where Saddler retains to Ashley, thanks to that Ada distracts his attention, manages to release it and both run to a room in which, using a machine and with the.

Help Luís investigations, they manage to destroy the parasite that they have inside, everything seems to be over, and all that remains is to flee from that hell.

Final Chapter: Arriving at the port from where they can escape they discover that Ada not only failed in her attempt to retain Saddler, but that she was captured by him and now keeps her tied in the middle of that area.

Saddler realizes that he no longer has control over Leon, because his parasite has disappeared, so he decides to throw everything and go.

Transforms into a monumental creature with the intention of killing once and for all the insect that has made his plans fail over and over again.

Leon frees Ada and confronts Saddler However, he is too powerful and can not do much with the little ammunition he has left.

Then Ada throws a special rocket launcher with which a single shot manages to destroy him once and for all.

Leon breathes a sigh of relief, but suddenly the joy of the moment is interrupted when Ada appears on his back pointing at him and demands that he hand over the Plague sample that Saddler had dropped when he died.

León reluctantly gives it to her and she flees in a helicopter that was waiting for her, but not before giving her the keys to a jet ski and letting her know that the facilities will explode in less than 3 minutes.

Leon and Ashley almost escaped dodging the explosions of the island now it's over and it's all left to go home.

Well my friends from Steemit I hope you like it I know it is very long but it is all I could do with this video game and as always play it and if you like to comment and with this I say goodbye thanks.