in #games6 years ago

Hello my friends from Steemit I hope that this video game is also to your liking as it is a video game in horror in the third person and is called Dead Space part 1.



The story of this video game is.

Dead Space takes place in the year 2508 in the 25th century. The Earth has passed through an event at the level of extinction, caused by the voracious and unsustainable use and exploitation of the planet's natural resources.

The remaining humans realized that the only way to obtain these resources, essential to keep subsisting, was to use the stars and take them from other planets.

That's when the Concordance Extraction Corporation appears, an immense mercantile corporation and promoter of deep space mining.

In those times of despair, the C.E.C., as it is known, invented and manufactured the ship that would later save all of humanity The USG Ishimura.

The USG Ishimura was designed to initiate the new form of extraction and resource supply the Planetary Excavation.

The work of the Ishimura was to mine those planets in which the most rare and valuable resources had been detected to take them back to Earth.

Although there have been subsequent Excavated Planets there is already a small fleet, The Ishimura ship has its place as the iconic symbol of the human will to survive, even after decades of distress.

Thanks to the Planetary Excavation, humanity is still standing, technological advances are wide and resources are abundant.

Until the beginning of history, La Ishimura has made 34 successful Excavations, and is in the process of starting number 35.

But nevertheless, the events that take place during this excavation are events that threaten humanity itself.
The characters are.

Isaac Clarke: The central character and protagonist of the game Isaac is a systems specialist and engineer traveling in the Kellion to investigate and repair the USG Ishimura.

Accompanied by 3 members of the security squad and a specialist in computer systems.

Unfortunately for them, they are driven in the nightmare that has become the Ishimura Clarke is also trying to find his girlfriend, Nicole, a specialist in medicine on board the Ship, whose fate is unknown at the beginning of the game.

Through the game, Isaac comes up with a conspiracy that involves the Church of Uniology, the government and a world of possibilities.



Kendra Daniels: is a specialist and sent to the Ishimura to repair the communications system.

She helps the player in the Ishimura ship in different ways, giving instructions or giving access to areas that would otherwise be inaccessible.

She often reveals her distrust in Hammond, but it turns out that she knows much more than was initially thought.



Zach Hammond: The security chief assigned on board the Kellion who travels with Isaac and Kendra to the Ishimura.

Hammond's initial desire to complete the mission assigned to him and not abort it tends to cause fights between Kendra and him, who finds him suspicious.

Through the game, he gets down to work to fulfill the main mission of repairing the Ishimura, but over time, he becomes disillusioned little by little and decides to leave the ship along with the other 2 survivors.

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Challus Mercer: a Doctor aboard the USG Ishimura, a devoted Uniologist and one of the main antagonists of Dead Space.

At the beginning of the calamity suffered by the Ishimura, Mercer has gone completely mad, surrendering completely in religious fanaticism, and trying to convince the crew of the Ishimura to commit suicide en masse.

Mercer often tries to stall Isaac's work and even tries to kill him on the spot, sending a modified Necro morph of a human he created, the Hunter who goes after Isaac several times in the course of the video game.

To Mercer, everything that happened on the ship is the will of God; believes that Necro morfo are the natural successors of humanity, and that their emergence from human corpses is the proof of life after death. Mercer repeatedly insists that Isaac must die and allow the children of God to dominate.

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Terrence Kyne: The Scientific Director aboard the Ishimura who appears during the decisive video game events and asks for help from the surviving members of the Kellion.

He seems to be in a somewhat eccentric state, perhaps upset, but offers to assist Isaac in stopping the nightmare that has ravaged the Aegis system and the Ishimura.

Kyne tried to relieve Captain Matthius of his position during the colony crisis, but instead was blamed for the captain's death.

He regularly interacts with his deceased wife, an appearance caused by the Effigy that can not be seen by the player.

Terrence Kyne.jpg


Nicole Brennan: The girlfriend of Isaac and the Medical Specialist assigned to the Ishimura all begins with a video of Nicole, asking for help after the infection in the ship, announcing one of the reasons why Clarke accepted the mission to La Ishimura.



Chen: A security officer at the USG Kellion, who dies at the beginning of the game when the Necromorphs first appear.
Johnston: A security officer at the USG Kellion who dies at the beginning of the game when the Necromorphs first appear.



Jacob Templ: Chief Engineer of the Ishimura, who is heard throughout the game through audio logs and is briefly found later in the game.

While the ship begins to collapse, Jacob and his team try to repair the engine.

But Jacob quickly realizes that the engines of the ship have been sabotaged while the infection spreads. Jacob begins to look for his girlfriend Elizabeth Cross. Jacob

Against all odds, he finds Elizabeth alive only to be captured and killed by Dr. Mercer before they can escape.



Elizabeth Cross: Jacob's girlfriend and doctor assigned to hydroponics, while the ship begins to collapse Elizabeth tries to find Jacob.

Against all odds, Elizabeth and Jacob meet each other only to be captured and killed by Dr. Mercer before they can escape.



Now I will show you all the enemies that appear in the video game.

During the course of Dead Space, Isaac Clarke finds different variants of Necromorphs.

Slasher: The most common form of Necromorph, which attacks using two long leaves located in the hands of this one.
It varies in color according to the clothing of the infected human, possessing a much stronger dark color variant.



Leaper: Instead of legs, he has a long, strong tail that he uses to steady himself when moving. He also uses it for jumping and violent attacks.

Its weak point are the arms can be found in environments with zero gravity also has a variant species, something stronger black.



Lurker: Were babies who also suffered the effects of the infection on board the USG Ishimura attack with the projectiles that throw the 3 tentacles that come out of his back.

They are quite agile, they can move through the walls have a dark color variant difficult to eliminate these enemies can maneuver in zero gravity.



Swarmer: Created from resuscitated meat you can find yourself wandering in small groups, or leaving Pregnants, they throw themselves on their victim to tear out the meat.



Infector: Has a certain form of ray or bat blanket, its sole purpose is to infect corpses with their proboscis and convert them into new necromorphs. You can create improved forms of Slashers and Leapers.



Drag Tentacle: Enormous tentacle that has a yellow lump that comes out of holes in the wall, drags its victims towards their deaths within said holes.

Drag Tentacle.jpg


Pregnant: It resembles an infected pregnant woman, but unlike the Guardian, it has legs, it can move and it has two long blades instead of hands, with great attack power a group of Swarmers inside it.



Brute: Large, strong and armored, and its armor protects it from all attacks on its front, crushing its enemies with its large size and speed.

It also has a black species more powerful than the standard and is rarely found in the video game.



Guardian: A stationary necro morph, sticks to the walls, since this poses six tentacles and can expel small creatures from a single tentacle of his stomach as a form of defense. It can be heard from a distance moaning and screaming.



Pods: Similar to offspring, they come out of the Guardian, although they do not always have a tentacle that throws darts at any living creature that approaches.



The Hunter: A terrifying monstrosity similar to a Slasher product of Dr. Challus Mercer's experiments whom he himself calls his creation with humans.

High, fast and regenerates its limbs, making it impossible to eliminate it by conventional methods The Hunter stalks Isaac in chapters 5 and 10.

The Hunter.jpg


Wheezer: The only Morph Necro that does not directly attack the host's lungs expanded and lodged in its back, can intoxicate the air of its environment but only appear in Chapter 6.



Exploder: It has a large yellow pustule hanging from his left arm, filled with an explosive organic compound.



Divider: A tall, strong monsters formed by several organisms to dismember, the parts that make them attack the character.



Twitcher: Soldier of white armor infected by the combination of Morcro Necro tissues and stabilization devices.

It possesses a speed and skill greater than that of the common Necro morfo, which makes it a dangerous and unpredictable enemy.



Isaac also encounters three much larger forms of Necro morpho, which serve as chiefs.

The Leviathan: giant necro morpho this owns a mass close to 10,000 tons is stuck in the supply warehouse in the hydroponic section of the ship.

It can attack with tentacles similar to those of the Drag Tentacle, in addition it throws capsules that explode on contact with the surface.

The Leviathan.jpg


The Slug: It is found only in a single scene of the game, in chapter 8, its size reaches about 150 m2 has five tentacles that throw debris and explosive tanks.

The slug.jpg

Collective Gnosis: The final enemy of the game and the apparent root of all evils as it mentally controls the other morpho Necro that appear throughout the video game.

Gnosis Colectiva.jpg


Well friends of Steemit I hope that this video game you like a lot because it is very interesting and good fun thank you very much.