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RE: Jurassic Pinball Coming to Nintendo Switch

in #games7 years ago

you think as i do. Those were the days. I suppose we have to move along with the times but I can't beat my memories. I still haven't gotten back the glory of exactly what you are talking about with the magazines having demos in them. Epic times to be a gamer and be alive.


I love gaming, especially old stuff, that I run a website dedicated to it - Retro Gaming Magazine and co-founded a website that archives old gaming publications called Out of Print Archive.

I think at the base level, it is just me trying to relive, or convey, the fun time we had back in the day. Before the Internet. Before knowing the ending to a game was just a YouTube video away.

When if you wanted to see the deeper levels of a game, you had to practice, you had to dial those enemies in and memorize what to do when and where. Games like Cuphead, while hard as nails, reminds me of playing classics like Contra: Hardcorps on Sega Genesis.

Man, the memories. Definitely an epic time to be a gamer.

hey man, i tried to go to your website but cannot do so because of the connection not being secure. I will look at it later on a Linux machine. Don't trust these win-doh! ones.

I am not sure why it is giving you that error. We had a problem with another site I own Gaming on Batteries but resolved it after a weekend of work (still on some bad lists that are slow to update).

You are missing a little bit because not all the staff of RGM, or GoB (or Gravis Ludus, another site I own) are archiving their content here on Steemit. I am, and have espoused the benefits of doing so to the rest of the team but unfortunately, not all have heeded the call.