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RE: The Weekly Rant EP 03 - Name a Game You Just Can't Love (Sadface) - #GamersUnited

in #gamersunited7 years ago

It's hard to tell. To many of them. To many to remember :D - To be honest maybe Assassin's Creed Game series. So many people loves it but me? Meh, I prefer the old and marvelous Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.

And it's hard to remember whit game I tried to love but I fail because so many titles I forgot because I didin't have time to end it or there was other new games.

fallout series is a good example of tying to love ... But I have this games in friendzone ;)


Yeah, I can see how not everyone would like Assassin's Creed. It certainly has it's issues, from gameplay to story to Ubisoft fucking it up every chance they get.

I've only finished one of these games (Black Flag) but I always tend to drop them because I get bored of doing the same thing over and over in the same sneaky way and with a map so big... It just doesn't seem to catch me.

I liked Assassin's Creed 2 and Black Flag a lot; the original, and pretty much every other one (I'm looking at my shelf, and Brotherhood, Revelations, and 3 come to mind) really didn't do it for me. I didn't even give Rogue, Unity or Syndicate a chance, and my backlog is so big at this point that I forgot Origins even came out :|

I hardly think I'll get into the franchise again. Also, even if I did like Black flag and the original (forgot to mention) Brotherhood, revelation and 3 were just exactly the ones I dropped. I'm afraid it'll turn like something that looks like CoD but I think it's already getting there...

looks like we have pretty similar tastes then... or we're super basic and we all hate the same things :D

I mean, hating on things together is kindof fun (?)