Welcome to the wonderful world of Steemit! We're glad to have you in our Gaming group :)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in our Discord - people are always willing to help!
I'm considering buying Overwatch myself - is it a lot of fun/worth the money? I farm gold in World of Warcraft, so I never pay for subscriptions of Battle.net games since I earn WoW tokens ($15 bnet balance + per), but am curious abou personal opinions on Overwatch.
Lemme know, and once again, welcome!
@GamersUnited is a brand new SteemIt curation group for everything gaming! Whether you're a game dev, streamer, artist that loves gaming, game reviewer, or have any other form of gaming addiction - we want you!
Gamers United

Deffently adding that to all my post I tottaly missed this thank you