Game Dev Idea - Garden Lamp
When you think about computer game you probably think about light too.
Especially in genres such as horror or survival. In bright places you feel safe.
And why we limit access to light in that games. You fell different then when you
came into dark room from bright one you feel that dark room is darker than it is.

Img 1. Dark Souls firepalce(source)
I never play this game, but I hear a lot about it. And even without knowledge about
this game you feel light-safe dark-maybe not.
Fire is common source of light in games. We use it for ages then devs can use it in
all kinds of worlds.In addition, the fire flickers. What can drive our imagination.
And another great thing about fire! We can easy limit it.

Img 2. Amnesia (source)
If you played this game you know how important is to have enough oil in tank, or you are going crazy.
But what if not fire... well light-stick, LED flashlight or bulb, night vision, or can light only from the surroundings?
And here my idea come!
Garden lamp!

Img 3. Garden lamp (from my room)
Why should you use it:
- I never hear about garden lamp in game.
- It use one hand, it hard to fight with one hand.
- It gives a rounded light to a small distance, the most scary things is on the verge of visibility.
- Dust color of light, the flame has some warmth in it.
- Cheap and common thing
- Powered by sunlight
And most important mechanic:
- If we use it discharges the battery in dark and charges in light places.
- If we don't use... well its discharges battery too because your backpack is dark place.
- To avoid this you must unscrew, switch switch and screw again. It takes a lot of time.
Think about it. I relay want to see game with garden lamps.
Sometimes, some people got an idea that works. This might be it
I hope, it will be great