Welcome to Amazing Gaming Productions - Coding 201

in #gamedev6 years ago


In the coding lessons in this block, we really get into how coding is a versatile tool that allows game developers do all kinds of amazing stuff, first looking at the basics of functions, and loops - both for and while loops - leading to how to create puzzles and cutscenes using coding and finally using Codea to create a cutscene.

Welcome to Virtua Coder - Functions and function arguments. This simple coding program, with 11 levels, is the perfect refresher for coding.

Virtua Coder 2 - For Loops. Reviewing how for loops work with virtua coder.

Virtua Coder 3 - While Loops. Reviewing how While Loops work.

Coding and Cutscenes - how to use cutscenes in game is all dependent on your coding talent.

Coding and Puzzels - another huge story element, puzzle solving in video games also requires coding.

Codea lesson 1 - Welcome to Codea - I Introduce you to an awesome coding program for people who own iPads, capable of creating actual apps and games.

Codea Animation - Now we start to animate our turd throwing monkeys, to show how aggravated they are.

Codea Sprites - Let’s import some sprites(graphics) into our scene to add some dialogue for our monkey’s to spout off about.

Codea Sound Effects - Let’s start to import and bring sound effects into our scene, showing you how to make the scene even more dynamic.

Codea Exporting - The Final Codea and coding lesson of this block, where I show you how to export the files and work from Codea to all kinds of different platforms.

Don’t forget to join my Discourse server, for all the lessons.