
Is your gaming development inspired by Fried Chicken and Suntory Whisky? I’m not sure but I probably wouldn’t be able to develop anything but a few snores !

Posted using Partiko iOS

haha yes! sometimes i code after a few drinks. i dunno maybe it does help a little 🐻🍺

위스키네요 첨에 하이볼 인줄 알았어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
몇번 먹어봤는데 하이볼이 괜찮더라구요

앙 나름 하이볼맞아요 흐흐
귀찮아서 얼음이랑 레몬이 없을뿐 ^ㅅ^

Suntory Whisky and fried chicken sound like a pretty good combo to me 😄

Posted using Partiko Android

usually i would have chicken and beer, but i had whisky lying around so might as well drink it!

It was just lying there...somebody put it there 😄

lol i still have several bottles lying around 😆

That also sounds like a pretty good combo to me 😄

Posted using Partiko Android

the usual awesome combo! :)

I don't usually comment on your food, but that whisky looks, wicked! 🤤 I imagine that I'm with that whisky and a plate of deep fried pork belly. Omg.

Oh yes! The shaky cam is one of must have!

Posted using Partiko Android

haha yes the whisky was nice. cheap but good for its price i'd say.

gotta have the right camera works! 😁

Coming along nicely mate😀

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks mate! 🐻

기승전 위스키 치킨 쉐킷~ㅋㅋ
수고 많으셨어용~♥♬♬♬

Posted using Partiko Android

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 요즘은 소주나 맥주말고 위스키를 자주먹고 있어요.
비싼거 아니어도 괜찮은거같에요 ㅋㅋㅋ


맥주 오르고
소주 오르고

다 오르고 ㅋㅋ

Posted using Partiko Android

이와중에 물가상승률이 0%라고 발표나오고 있군요.. ㅎㅎ;;

what can i say? only a like it all!!!! especial the food!! :)))))

haha thank you 😌
i enjoyed the food too. maybe a little too much..

have a nice weekend!

술도 이국적으로 드시네요.ㅎㅎ
저도 지금 한잔하고 있는데 건배~~~

그냥집에 남아있던거 먹는거에요 ㅎㅎㅎ ^ㅅ^

The video is very interesting to watch ... there are green and red lights ... and someone's fight with monsters is good too ... about food ... fried chicken must be very tasty ... then Whiskey? Is that harmless to your body, friend ... I think Whiskey is liquor ...

lol it's very harmful.. but what can i say. we're self-destructive creatures :)
i'll have less in the future 😁

Wow, it looks like you are spending a lot of food and drinks, lol 😂
to focus on making animated fighting tricks that you make.

haha yes.. usually i don't spend too much money on food. but recently i've been kinda going crazy

😂 lol..
but need to balance friends, to maintain an ideal body weight. 😅