My Brain on Godot: A Game Dev Journey

in #gamedev5 months ago

My Brain on Godot: A Game Dev Journey

Day 37 of learning Godot, and I'm pretty sure my dreams are now in GDScript. Last night, I tried to debug my cat in real life by typing "print(cat.food_level)" into thin air. Send help.

Started out thinking "Hey, making games can't be that hard - it's just moving stuff around on a screen, right?" Now I'm sitting here at 3 AM, surrounded by empty coffee cups, muttering about physics layers and collision masks while my character keeps falling through the floor into the void. The void is my friend now. We have coffee together.

The worst part? I finally fixed that jumping bug I've been fighting for a week. Turns out I wrote "gravity = 9.8" instead of "gravity = 980". My character was basically floating around like we were on the moon. And by "fixed," I mean I created three new bugs that make even less sense. Progress!

At least the Godot mascot is cute. I've started talking to it like a rubber duck. Pretty sure it judges me every time I forget to connect a signal. That little robot has seen things, man. Dark things. Like my attempt at implementing procedural generation that somehow turned every tree in my game into a disco-dancing cactus.

But hey, I successfully made a cube move across the screen today! ...Now I just need to figure out why it only moves diagonally and occasionally turns into a sphere.
