Winner winner chicken dinner 😍😍😍

in #game7 years ago

Helloooo Friends Good Morning. How Are You All My Friends And Followers???
I wish You will Be Fine.
With out wasting time now start the today's topic.
PUBG. Most playing and addicted game ever.
Once you play this game I am sure you also addicted to this game.
They develop a interface such that you will automatically like the game and you want to play this game more time and time.
If you are not free than also you mind tells you to play this game.
I too addicted to this game.
I am getting continuesly chicken dinner in squard mode.
Here is the screenshot of that matches
First match:-
If you get the good team or you have your own team than the chances of getting the Chicken dinner will increase. Some times we also need a luck to get chicken dinner.
Second match:-
Here also I get the best team so I own chicken dinner.
In second match I kill the 4 people. If you get chicken dinner only if you or your team mate finished the match with 1st number.
That's all about today post if you like give one big thumsup it will motivate me to right more this type of post and also comment your opinion and follow this blog for more this type of informative post.
Have fun guys and have good day.