How To Keep Kids Not Hooked Game Playing
The development of internet users in the world and in Indonesia is very rapid. This triggered the emergence of new trends among internet users. Playing online games is one of the prevalent trends today.

Online games are now favored by children and young people. The current online gaming trends are entertainment content while providing community experience, teamwork, and training in the accuracy and speed of its passion. Simply put, online games are electronic games based on computer audio-video technology. Only, as a medium, online games use the internet network. Some popular online games include Master of Fantasy Ragnarok, GetAmped R, Seal Online, and RF Online. Call Ragnarok the great multiplayer genre of online role playing (MMORPG), Pangya fantasy sports genre, or even Gunbound which is turn-based. Genres like that which then mengkotak-mengkotakkan some games so have their own fans.
This is what distinguishes with standard online games commonly found on sites like Yahoo or MSN. There are many other violent and sadistic games that are becoming a trend for the ages of children to adults. The game is full of shootings, beatings and kicks like WWF Smack Down, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Naruto, or Resident Evil. While the game is nuanced black world and fights between gangs, is now on the rise. Like Mafia, Triad, Yakuza, Bully Scholarship Edition, ManHunt, Life Crime: Gang Wars, GodFather, and so on. Anyone can participate in this game, and choose the characters they want.
Players can also choose the weapons and equipment they will use in the game. In essence, this game is like an adventure in the virtual world, where we feel really involved in it. With the money Rp5.000, children are able to access online games in the cafe. Games are fun games and entertaining children.
Children are invited to explore another world that challenges and enhances their adrenaline. Many things they can learn. In addition, they can also be superior (heroes) with control of the characters in it. In order to run in accordance with the wishes of the players, who are the winners with minimal points to achieve the target. The same thing happened to Ratna (35) and Jeffry (38), a resident of Jalan Tasbih
Field. This one couple has four sons who have been addicted to online games.
Because of the game maniac, his eldest son in high school did not want to continue his studies. While his third son is currently reluctant to school and often skipping school just because of online games. "At first my kids were addicted to playing on the play station.
play station for our son to feel at home. But even very addicted to play play station, "said Ratna.Later, he said, since the emergence of online games lately, his son even often ask for money to the cafe to play online games. I can not do anything. One hour playing online games cost Rp5.000.
When you're done, ask for more money. I counted, nearly a hundred thousand I gave money for my four sons to play online games, "Ratna said.Ratna admitted that she and her husband had done a crackdown on her son not to opium to play the game How not to give money But his four children even desperately stealing money from their store. "If you can not steal, my kids dare to owe it with friends or neighbors to play the game. My husband and I are not well. Now our children are lazy school, lazy to learn and lazy bath.
Working all day at the cafe. If it is forbidden to be angry, "Ratna said Ratna hoped that the number of victims of game addiction should be anticipated by the government with the need to immediately enact an anti-game law. Games that are laden with violence should be banned in the country.
Sometimes games are very useful. Games are not only known among children but among adults it is not unusual anymore. Along with the advancement of a very dynamic era, this game also offers new things and quite tempting. Especially now is the trend of online games. The lack of discipline and diversion of functions from this game is a very worrying thing. Good among children, adults and parents. Therefore, the filter needs to reduce or even avoid the impact of game addiction.
Maybe you can pay attention to the form of games / games played, make a schedule to play games to not spend much of our time, need extra tight supervision from parents, never forbid children to play games because it can worsen the situation, give knowledge about the game to children about the cause or effect of the game / game. Then, give the child enough time. However, if the child is already playing opium games,
parents need to strive:
Give your child plenty of free time and attention. There is the impression that parents are busy working just to provide video game devices just because they do not bother the kids. They want to buy anything as long as it can keep the child calm. Supposedly, parents can provide the toys that the child requested as long as there is control from the parents. Though this way could have an impact on the weak emotional skills of children. They do not learn how to manage desires or make decisions.
Parents should be more selective in finding toys for their children. As much as possible the game has educational elements, not games that contain violent scenes.
Create a rule that you and your child create together. Among them is the time limit between playing games, learning, and socializing activities of children with friends.
Parents should instill religious understanding to the child well. Because this will affect the child's morale. Child morals are influenced and shaped by
home environment, school environment, peer environment, religious side, and recreational activities.
But, what if you are currently facing an addicted child and it's hard to change his game play habits? That children sacrifice social activities, are reluctant to do homework, and want to reduce
dependence, but it can not be an indication of a child's video game addiction. It takes a great effort to restore the child's state
as previously. Does the child need care? Maybe, if the level is very bad. Parents should involve other experts to return children to normal conditions, learn to think well, be able to adapt to the social and school environment, and be able to follow the teaching and learning process in school properly. Therapy is also directed so that children can learn to manage their emotions, be able to live their feelings well and healthy, and learn to grow the initiative