The Divine Move (Game of Go series) #3
Hello Steemians !
Today is a day where I review my Go game, here is one that I played today. I wanted to improve myself and gain at least the rank 9kyu in order to be a simple digit kyu player. I hope you'll enjoy this game !
Just know that this game is simply amazing ! If you like strategy game like chess, it's even a better game, simpler but deeper.
I made a post with the basic rules :
So I really encourage you to check out the game and here are more links that could help :
A site where you can easily play :
An amazing Youtube channel :
Some playlists for beginner (FR) :
A playlist for beginner (EN) :
Now, back to the game !

I started as black (again :p) and I make the beginning of a Chinese as he took two 3-4 corners.
Then I approached high his left corner and I was super happy to make this joseki which gives me a stone on K4. This is a stone you want to have when you have a Q3 stone in the down right corner. as you can see, after that he approached high as well my corner.
After a little joseki, I was happy to play a big move that my opponent also wanted to play.
Thing gets messy when he attacked my formation, I didn't really know what to do and I got cut off.However, I wasn't worried for my left group as I can either live by playing E2 or get out by playing F6.
We did another joseki (or I think it is) on the upper left side and he annoyed me very much with his move on R10. I was wondering what to do at this point and I took my time to think about it. I finally choose to let him live in exchange for a big strong wall which will go very well with my stone on K10.
This is how the sequence ends and I played K13 in order to create a big moyo !
There, I messed up a little by giving a huge corner to my opponent :/
After that mistake, we fight a little as he was trying to get out with his upper left group. He managed to do so, better than I expected but I ended up very strong. Then, I fix my weekness with P9. After that move, a huge fight appeared as he was trying to live inside my moyo.
It ended up with my move on O12 giving him no chance to live whatsoever.
After some endgame move, my opponent resigned. Still, I wasn't winning by so much point, he had a huge corner in the bottom left side. I checked it and it was estimated that I was winning by 25 points.
Here is my profile page on OGS, add me as a friend and we'll do a game :
Check out another of my Go review :
I hope you enjoyed this little game review, tell me in the comment what do you think about this content.
See you tomorrow !
This game is great. For some its difficult but keep practicing It will take some time.
Go is a fantastic game, I'm sorry I didn't see any of your previous posts about it or I would have been following you already. Ok, I'm going to go through your other posts, I may have some questions when I'm done, haha.
Great ! And don't hesitate I'll answer your questions :D
Ok, thanks. My first question, which might lead to the answers for the rest of my questions, is what/where is the best online resource for getting to grips with some real strategies? I know the basics but, much like in chess, I lack any sort of grand strategy. I'm half decent at taking pieces and preventing my pieces from being taken but when it comes to keeping/taking territories I'm fairly blind. I know that's pretty basic stuff but I just haven't figured it out yet, I mean, I even find it a little difficult to follow the games you've shared on here. I guess what I struggle with is knowing why I should place a piece in one spot over another.
I've mostly played on a smartphone app on a small board a few years ago. More recently, one of my friends brought back a Go board from his trip to Asia so I've played a game or two against him and another friend but they haven't played nearly as much as I have so I was beating them fairly easily. The more popular game among my friends is Gomoku, or connect 5 as I call it, haha.
Anyway, I hope that wasn't too much to read. Oh, another question I thought of, is there a handy little glossary of Go terms?
Ok so to answer your first question it's a easy concept to see but hard to understand :/ It's just a feeling that you get by playing and which lead you to see big move that you want to play. It's not a big deal if you don't see exactly which move, it's more important to see the location of the move more or less.
But all that will come with some practice :)
I really encourage you to play on the site I gave, it's a good one ! :D
For the glossary, I don't know, I mostly learn that by watching and reading stuff about Go :)
I hope that I answer your questions :D
Thanks. You did answer my question but it seems to be as I thought, haha. I'll make an account on that site when I have some more time.
Sensei has a good dictionary.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Never understood Go at all, but between game 1/2 and watching a few videos I'm learning.
Great and you'll learn a lot by playing too :)
lol, I played two games and lost horribly. A bit occupied today with birthday festivities but I'll go again tonight!
Ahah keep going it's worth ! :D If you add me on OGS, we could play games sometime ;)
will do! thanks
There is an adage saying, in order to learn the game you need to lose 50 games quickly. Another one tells us 100 games in succession will get you started.
gg i tried to play go after i watched anime series hikaro no go it was fun :) we need more game reviews like go,chess and others, mb someone will organise tournament games with sbd prizes.
Yeah I love this anime too :D I'll keep posting game and I'm glad you like it :)
I'll try to see the degree of difficulty and play
If you like strategy game, you can only fall in love for it ! :D
I saw game 1 as well complicated but beginning to understand much better now !
Great ! I put some links if you're interested in knowing more :)
Yes I'm looking at them now I like a game more complex than checker ! Thank you
Yeah it's really a deeper game and you will understand it the more you play. If you're interested in a little game right now, we can play on a small board :)
Nice game but should many time to understand it thanks for share
This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :)
Thanks :)
Awesome game, I really like this game. It seems this game is a challenge for the brain, I will see it further in the link @jerandesta.
Thanks For Read :)
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