The 5 Most Inspirational Game Characters that Motivate My Life

in #game-inspiration7 years ago

Hollo everyone... Many argue that playing games can cause depression, violent behavior and even worse can cause ADHD.

That's just an opinion and I myself don't agree with that statement. Because in reality some games have very good stories and can motivate our lives.

In my opinion, this game is like a book we can play. We can create our own playing style, choose our own way to solve challenges and make decisions on their own when there are many obstacles in the game.

Characters in games can provoke emotions better than you in movies or books. Because we directly participate in the game storyline. They make us excited and some of them even give us good moral values.

More importantly, we will always remember this character along with the good messages they convey in the game. Although only fictional characters, they are like friends who really live around us.

Here are the 5 most inspiring game characters I think have ever been made:

1. Game Joel, The Last of Us

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Joel is the main character in The Last of Us, the role played by Joel at first sight seems boring. Storyline with apocalypse settings, many humans are infected and turn into zombies. Plus the relationship between adults and a teenager who is still innocent. It seems like it's a stale story that brings things like this.

But make no mistake, once you follow the adventure between Joel and Ellie, all the pessimism in you will disappear. Just 10 minutes trying adventure with Joel in this game, you have been presented with an incredible view. Guaranteed you will often be dumbfounded, dumbfounded, goose bumps, amazed and maybe a little depressed in the middle of the story.

In the game The Last of Us you will be the figure of Joel, a middle-aged man who survived when a zombie outbreak attacked his city, he worked as a smuggler at that time. This terrible situation worsened when Joel was tasked with sending a plain girl named Ellie to cross the United States.

The scene where he lost his daughter was very heartbreaking. But Joel never gave up, the way he loved and protected Ellie was extraordinary.

Every new character that appears in the middle of the story of this game is delivered well, as if they are real people, with all the past they experienced.

If you are a video game lover, skipping Joel's storyline is clearly illegal. You can invite your friends or girlfriend to play (or watch) together, even though they are not game players. Because the stories of Joel and Ellie are guaranteed to motivate everyone, both young and old.

2. Game Clementine, The Walking Dead

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Clementine, known as Clem by his friends, is the main character in the game series The Walking Dead. He was a young girl who was mature, kind and polite, he acted as a moral compass in his group in the game. After losing his closest people, Clementine became hard and more mature in his view.

As time went on, Clementine became stronger and stronger, distrusted others and continued to do whatever he considered right to survive. He clung to the belief that no one would come out of the group, because there had been a power struggle within his group.

He decided to leave the group increasingly unclear, and he became an individual who was far more independent, making his own choices based on his own beliefs and values. This little girl even sewed her own wound without screaming to save her life from enemy attacks.

These are just a few things Clementine did in the video game The Walking Dead, and the character has many other inspirational moments. The words he said were very mature for a young girl. After seeing him in action, you will understand why he is my favorite character.

3. Game Max Payne

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Max Payne is an American police detective who acts cruel, mischievous, almost unstoppable, resilient, and relentlessly against criminals, staying up a few nights while searching for the truth in the mysteries he found in his life. And mercilessly brings death to all who make him sick.

The Max Payne series is a neo-noir thriller. Initially Max Payne played the police and special agents, but once his partner and family were killed and he was framed, that's when things got interesting and you could see some amazing character development.

He took revenge intended to quell the evil that haunted his country. Payne was responsible for paralyzing the criminal family of Punchinello, destroying Nicole Horne Aesir Corporation, ending the manufacture and trading of the drug Valkyr and together with Mona Sax, annihilating mercenaries and gangsters from the Russian Mafia boss.

He dared to face anything in order to uphold the truth, even he gave up his work and life to finish off all the criminals in his city. Max Payne is not only motivational, but he is a classic antihero.

The words I always remember are "The way I see them ... there are two types of people, those who spend their lives trying to build a future. And those who spend their lives trying to rebuild the past."

4. Game Max Caulfield, Life is Strange

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Max Caulfield is a 12th grader, the main protagonist of the video game Life Is Strange. He is a teenage girl who I think is perfect. Max has special abilities that he can delay. This seems like an ideal power, desired by many people in the world. Maybe you also want to include it.

While maintaining his work and school, he must find a way to save the city. At the beginning of the game, Max gets a vision where he sees the storm breaking through the city and destroying it, and killing all his friends and family.

Throughout the match he continued to struggle, trying to save the people he loved. This is where the character game gives me a new view of something. Max struggled to sacrifice his life, I didn't know if I could do it myself if I was in his position.

Since then, the ability to rewind time is no longer what I want. That's what I admire about the character of this game. But for me, Max handled his strength like a professional.

5. Game Elizabeth, Bioshock Infinite

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Elizabeth is a nineteen-year-old woman imprisoned in Columbia since she was a baby. He was imprisoned because of a myth in the country where he was born. But despite years of isolation, Elizabeth has the same passion as other young people, shown in her interactions with the surrounding environment.

The only thing that accompanies him in prison is that books make Elizabeth grow into a source of information that knows a lot of knowledge, from the selection of keys to medical care.

Elizabeth is not only one of the most motivating Bioshock Infinite video game characters, she is also the most interesting. Even though at the beginning of the story a player named "booker" saves him, you should not be fooled into thinking that he is an ordinary woman waiting for someone's help.

What makes me unable to forget Elizabeth is her passion and intelligence. Elizabeth Dialogue by ordering:

"Booker, are you afraid of God?"
"No. But I'm afraid of you."

  • Elizabeth and Booker DeWitt

Those are the 5 characters that most inspire and motivate my life. If you have other characters, please add. So hopefully useful and thank you for being willing to stop with my simple route.