Is this an addiction and if so is there help?

in #gambling8 years ago

I've latched onto a vice or two in my years a little too long before letting go; anyone who hasn't ain't human in my opinion. Tonight, as I find myself once again intently studying the coinmarket charts and anything else I can soak up it hit me. Kinda hard to be honest. This is exactly what I did when I was betting on football back in school. Researched. every. single. detail. every. spare. second.

Everything started out really well there too. I'm even up about the same amount of money at the end of every week. But then mid season things changed, the refs started taking bribes (ok probably not but the Govt will) and my system fell apart. So yeah, it was a hard splat after I went from -$55.00 to +5k to suddenly doing 'unfriendly' collections (some of which were friends) to work off about $2k before playoffs. That was $2000 in 1992 poor college kid money.

Then, after reading every sports mag and news article at the library researching everything from weather forecasts to players hiding injuries I went up $10k going into the superbowl. Almost no one lost that week end. Except everyone's favorite bookie. Never saw him or the cash again.

These days if I don't blow this fun money on crazycoins that will rearrange the world as we know it with delicious it will go into my trashy woman fund, stupid expensive liquor fund, care package from colorado fund, or the worst of all; my smoked pork ribs and cheesy biscuit fund.

So all in all, my demons seem pretty chill right now. Be safe.


The steem extends life. The steem expands consciousness. He/She who controls the Steem, controls the universe!

My liquor fund is rigoddamndiculous. If I can get something going here, that's be a nice bit to offset that deficit.... then again... I could just stop drinking as much, but where's the fun in that... lol

i suppose i cant help but agree. i cant stop reading about crypto. thats how i found steemit.