7 things to do before you die

in #g8 years ago (edited)

(End of life) when all things in this world for you ends and there's no coming back. That's why there's a saying, 'live life to its fullest' or 'die with no regrets' well I'm going to show you things you will not regret when you look back to your life on earth.

Watching The Northern Lights

Chasing the Northern Lights is like going on safari. You set out in a coach from Reykjavik, the Iceland guides with walkie-talkies in hand, discuss the best viewing spot for the night, and then you’re off, zooming into the wilderness. When it’s time, you pile out of the coach, peer upwards, and wait. That’s when, if you’re lucky, the Northern Lights will put on a show They can appear as bright white lassoes, neon-green paint strokes, or fiery red rainbows – seeing the Northern Lights for the first time is enough to bring a lump to your throat and a tear to your eye.

Bungee jumping

Jumping of a cliff with a elastic band attached to you leg may sound a bit scary but it's just the fear in your head speaking bungee jumping is one of the most breath taking experience literally breath taking.

Scuba diving

One of the most interesting parts of the earth for many people was and continues to be the beautiful world of the sea. People were always attracted to the mysteries of the deep waters when they saw a little part of the under water world on television or in photographs. However Scuba diving is not only about diving but it is also about observing the amazing environment that exists under the waters.

Hang gliding

it’s one thing being stood on a mountain, but it’s a whole new level soaring 4000 ft over the top of it.flying is incredibly relaxing. Concentrating on what you’re doing means you stop thinking about anything that is worrying you, which is pretty nice. The adrenaline rush puts your vibe at its peakest it's a fun last activity to do because when you hit touch down you feel like you've accomplished life.

Cliff jumping

For this, you don't need a parachute or a wing suite just some trunks because this is the most blood pumping activity you could end result? You get to land it clear blue water in the hot sun see life isn't all that bad right? Depending on high you jump will determine how safely you come back it's simple though just dive in last second or cannon ball?

Rock climbing

Rock climbing gives a great full-body workout without gasping for air, drowning in sweat, or fighting the dreaded muscle burn. The next day you’ll feel sore in areas you didn’t know existed, just without all the suffering of aerobic exercise. If you’re craving adventure or excitement, this is the best option because Whether you’re bouldering in the gym just 5 feet off the ground, sport climbing 60 feet off the ground, or up in the mountains climbing at 13,000 feet, this sport will definitely give you a rush of adrenaline.


As amusing and thrilling that look, it's not it's crazy scary when your on the plane looking down but that's the whole point of it, enjoy the thrills and skydiving is the best thing to do before you grab your ticket to heaven, because it already feels like your falling from it.