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RE: Why Should You Consider Putting Your Extra Time, Effort, and Resources Into Being Part of The Collaborative Commons?

in #futurology7 years ago

I do think that Collaborative Commons is the future and a goal which we should all strive to achieve. Responsibilities and rights, constant use of fear, terror, etc., is called capitalism. It is required justice, equality and mutual honest care (doing things for other's good (not necessarily benefits) instead of following our own self-interest and greed. We need to be more self-sacrificing than narcissistic as that is how we can strive for an equal decentralised world.

The Power of this is seen in the steemit community

One thing that surrounds and drives a great blockchain is its community. On steemit we have a community of those that love to give and receive words of encouragement. A place where you can find others with the same interests as you and form great relations.

I find those that are positive and encouraging to people are rewarded. Everyone's work is rewarded and this is fueled by decentralisation and collaborative commons working hand in hand.

The biggest problem is just the power shift since the world currently like a pyramid structure and not everyone is on an equal level playing field.

We just need to channel our inner yunk @kevinwong haha


Well things wont be equal, but at least it's more distributed / easily replaced and all. So far after a year I think one of the best parts is the friendships and relationships formed via the platform. Some may say there's no real community, but only the ones that think they're part of one, will be.