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RE: The Dark Side of the Law of Accelerating Returns

in #futurism9 years ago (edited)

Just to be a contrarian, although our weapons have gotten more powerful, our casualties, according to Steven Pinker, have been going down, as a percentage of the still-growing population.

Of course, it may not matter, if pessimism and history have anything to say about it.


I think that you're right about the direct loss of life from 'known wars' decreasing but I think we need to delve a little deeper.

There are many ways to kill a man and we have far more subtle wars being conducted right under our very noses that should be factored into any equation before we can hope to arrive at an ultimate conclusion.

For example - death (mental and/or physical) from more subtle, and clearly avoidable means continue to rise.

Autism Prevalence Graph.jpg

Classic case of switch and bait, robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Read my post on an laregely unspoken of epidemic here if you'd like to delve a little deeper

Great read from @steemtruth, it's worth your time to take a look and make yourself aware (it could help save someone you love)!

Thanks ruscion. I really enjoyed this article and you exposed me to a new world - keep it coming :)