
I feel the mainstream, specifically the media, misleads the masses and pushes garbage that is for the most part blindly accepted as truth. This causes the average person to make bad decisions, ill informed snap judgments, and magnify "herd" or "lemmings" mentality. There is no longer enough time for thoughtful, well-educated views or opinions - it all must be made instantly and from there - those "illogical views" grow spread. Just look at how quickly ppl rush to call each other nazi or racist or communist for simply having a different political belief. It's discouraging, bc we have made a lot of progress otherwise. I fear the abundance you brought up (rightfully so), may not be available if its squandered by everyone fighting each other. I hope I'm wrong.

I agree with everything you said. That is how society is. The MSM is a propaganda arm of the ruling class i.e. the bankers. They control the politicians, the medical establishment, and the corporations. Their hold is secure...or was.

While people were more civil years ago, they were all asleep. Do not forget, people took what Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite as gospel. Whatever the media told people, there was not a venue to cross check the facts (or misfacts). So while most still swallow the eggnog, there are many who question and investigate (and also report). Look at what happened:

Newspapers lost readership and anyone can be a reporter now.
Youtube enabled anyone to do a "newscast".
DTube replacing youtube
There are blogs on every subject
Facebook allowed for like minds to meet and start movements..until they started censoring
Steemit allows for like minds to meet and start movements.
Crypto is a threat to the banking sector because of blockchain.

In the end, the right-left argument is senseless because the politicians are all the same. That is why nothing ever changes. Hence, step back and realize it is us (the people) versus them (the elite/politicians). Knowing that enables me to laugh off the political debate as inane and senseless.

All excellent points. I do appreciate the feedback and positive points. You've helped bring me out of my negative funk today. For that I do thank you.