Dream of the future

in #future5 years ago


** Production systems always depend on technology. Previously less, now more technology reliance. This is the difference. This production system creates, controls, changes, and refines our way of life, practices, culture, beliefs, myths, religions, etc. Need is the mother of discovery. The growing need for people has made it possible to invent new technologies. Technology has poured into the production system. And this changing production system has changed our minds, minds, thoughts, beliefs, religions and lives. Production systems, technology, and culture cannot be positioned outside of this almost extraordinary circle. No day can Rolling on the wheels of change, so is the flow of our lives, beliefs, cultures.

The limited amount of time in a person's life inevitably captures. But heredity, generation is prevalent. As long as there is a solar system, as long as there is this earth, there are people. Maybe even then people will survive migrating themselves to another planetary planet. It will take him from one change to another. From one planet to another. From one culture to another. If the sun can sustain its hydrogen fusion for another 150 billion years, we can live in this genre with our lust and anger.

150 million years is a long time. Don't want to go far. As much as there is knowledge, unknown, unknown information in the hands of the light or not see it, where will we stand in the next one hundred years! How will our minds be? How will we express our emotions, anger, faith and love? If I were to say that science fiction is the shadow of our next life, there would be nothing wrong with that. Because these stories are based on proven and unproven theories and hypotheses, which have not yet been applied to scientific theory. Imagination always fades before the ever-present current. And if that imagination fills the wings of science, then it doesn't matter. Surely in the near or distant future we will see the actual implementation of those fantasies.

Now, I can conclude a brief tour of the science world in a quiet way. Instead of coming up with a knowledge of what is happening there, rather than floating around. First of all, talk about nanotechnology. This technology is now in its infancy, but it will not be long, young will come. Nano means many small existence. If the number is given by nine zeros after one, dividing one by one is nano. That's it. In this context, first comes the nanobot. Nanobot means a nano robot. The most beautiful and lifelong use of this technology will be in the medical system. Nanobots will be the smallest existence at the atomic or almost atomic level, which can be programmed and given commands or commands to solve certain tasks inside the animal's body. Suppose there is a tumor in one corner of the liver, it has to be destroyed. Many nanobots made with one type of amino acid injected into the blood will be able to complete the task properly. This nanotechnology will be utilized not only in healthcare, but also in many other fields, for example in defense, agriculture.

Then comes robotics and AI or artificial intelligence. Like all technologies, the purpose is to liberate, liberate people. All this technology is exactly the motive behind the discovery of technology. People should not have to depend on other people for anything. In the context of AI, physicist Stephen Hawking has already warned. He predicts that the use of this technology could endanger human existence. Why this warning? People have already started investing in a study called Digitization of Human Consciousness. If somehow human consciousness can be stored on a silicon disk and if it can be uploaded to a robot, then it will be just like human. Human emotions will contain emotions. The business is also involved with technology research. The idea of ​​the Humanoid Robot has already come to the business community, and it comes from inside the Mind Down Load Idea. Manipulating the human consciousness stored on the disk can be made a useful companion or companion for human beings, which they believe can truly liberate people from loneliness. As a partner, these robots will also meet the sexual needs of people. Sociologists do not have to spend sleepless nights, as the percentage of divorce is increasing at least in the home. The semi-robotic couples will also survive the brutality of the bridal war. The combination of Robotics and AI will not only help to eliminate the isolation of human beings, but will ensure the proper use of civilization at every corner and in the wild. Production, distribution, management will work everywhere these AI rich intelligent robots. People will have complete leisure, which they will use in the pursuit of excellence in the mind - through the study of art, literature and culture. That's about to happen. The more a man continues to be free from the burden of life, the more he will develop his mind and mind.

Ectogenesis and artificial insemination. The word ectogenesis means the birth of a child outside the womb. On April 27, a sheep fetus was supplemented by synthetic in vitro fertilization at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's laboratory. While many of the parameters that are naturally controlled when the mother is in the womb, the multiparameters can be reached by means of mechanical means. This is exactly what was proved by testing the sheep's fitness. Scientists speculate that in the near future, they will be able to conduct similar experiments on human fitness if there is sufficient support from social and moral law. Researchers in China have shown that rats do not need sexual intercourse to produce offspring. It is almost certain that in the near future, the need for maternal uterus, eggs or sperm to produce offspring will be eliminated in the near future. This will release people from the pains naturally imposed on them. People will also be relieved of interdependence.

Many scientists believe that human dependence will end once human dependence is fully realized. The possibility cannot be blown out at all. But if that is the case, if there is an alternative within the means of meeting human needs. If going to people for their own needs becomes an optional thing. However, people can take any one of their choice to fulfill their interests. Technology can give people such freedom of choice.

Immortality can no longer be dismissed as too much of a myth. Russian scientists have announced that within the next fifteen years, humans will reach immortality. Australia has invented a drug that will reduce the lifespan of thirty years. If man can use technology to create all his basic needs like food, clothes, shelter, medical, education, transportation, entertainment, then why should he depend on God. Why would he believe in God, God, God. Why would he go to the leader, boss, mahajan, zamindar. There will be no crime when the wealth of life becomes available like air and water. The courts, police, and prisons do not have to stay. To create an environment where technology can. If so, then a new culture, a new faith, a new human environment will be born. Today's religion, faith, caste, discrimination, violence will have no political and social significance. A preview of what is possible is beginning to emerge.

Fuel or energy covers a large part of human civilization. We are still in this regard in childhood. We are still dependent on biofuels. A geopolitical strategy based on bio-fuel is also prolonging our dependence. It is a complex cycle. In the midst of this, there is always new technology coming to light. These include the sustainable use of renewable energy. Renewable fuels are almost inadequate. Such as solar power. Ongoing research seeks to increase the capacity of solar panels to seventy percent. The development of two-stage or three-level solar panels is just a matter of time. Solar energy is stored in batteries. There is ongoing research to improve the quality of batteries. There is also a realistic agreed use of nuclear fusion. Research on this is also underway. The sun produces energy in the nuclear fusion system, which we find in this world without money. The four hydrogen atoms fuse together at great pressure and heat to create a helium molecule. At the same time he releases a lot of energy through this sale. If fusion nuclear reactors can be duplicated on Earth to replicate this global reaction, humans will have many times more energy than they need. There are huge commercial interests behind these studies. There it is. Even then, the effort to get out of the fossil of living organisms has to be applauded.

Recycling is a sustainable technology to sustain civilization. A large part of our existence depends on this technology. There is no alternative to recycling to prevent environmental catastrophe. Once rich nations in iron wealth can no longer be rich by capitalizing on iron dependence. Because the most recycling is iron and iron products. Children now know and understand that plastic environment is a disaster. Recycling culture also has the potential to rescue us from there. Integrating commercial interests with this recycling technology is playing a very positive role in sustaining the current civilization. Recycling is not just metal and plastic, it is. Everything that is usable can be recycled. Even human feces.

We are now hearing about global warming or global warming. The fact that carbon dioxide is the main cause of this warming in the atmosphere is now known to everyone. The only solution is not to accelerate the efforts of forestry around the world. There must be a technology solution for this. Right now the technology has come into the hands of people. ClimaxWorks is a Switzerland-based company that has been able to effectively separate the carbon dioxide from the machine and cylinder. This giant machine is installed in the open area, which runs through solar energy. The device traps carbon dioxide by flowing carbonated air through a liquid chemical substance through its Force Induced Funnel. It then separates the contaminated gas from the liquid and collects it in the cylinder. Scientists are emphasizing the commercial use of the collected carbon dioxide, which is why investors are encouraged to produce greenhouse gases through this technology. Because it is not possible for the government to run this massive program. For this, the assistance of private investors is absolutely essential. The collected carbon dioxide can be used in a variety of industries - for example, urea fertilizer, methane fuel. Scientists believe that a quick greenhouse will be possible to bring the gas to a moderate level if commercial use of the gas is widely encouraged.

Now let’s talk about what is going to happen very quickly in transportation or transportation. As supersonic momentum has brought people, he has also been hypersonic. Even though hypersonic humans cannot tolerate supersonic bodies, Hypersonic speed tolerance technology is not yet used in human transportation. However, transportation of hyperloop on the ground as an alternative to aircraft is coming soon. The transportation system will be powered by solar power and its speed will be 5 miles per hour, which may be an alternative to annoying aviation. Go through this full magnetic leverage. There is no doubt that this hyperloop communication system will bring about a revolution in the world of transportation. However, telecommunications will be the telecommunications system in the distant future, which is still a major subsidiary of StarTrack Saifai. Scientific fiction that once came true, we have the proof of it.
Technology will create people's future. His effort can be simple, smooth and aesthetic if the politics of the country, the nation and the world are on the right track. Where in the world today is the leadership of a country like the US to hear about the insignificance and futility of global warming and environmental catastrophe, people are worried about the existence of proper use of technology and civilization in the future? Yet people are optimistic. People are hopeful because, no matter how good or bad, no leadership is permanent. One day or another one will emerge in the middle of leadership. Otherwise, technology will lose the way. The crop of technology cannot be delivered to people's homes. So people will hopefully wait for the birth of goodwill inside the leadership of all levels of the First World, Second World, Third World. At the same time, the general public will have to make themselves as the next citizens of the technology world.