Furlough: The Universal Basic Income Trap

in #furlough3 years ago (edited)

Every day in this rat trap, is another day moving towards the inevitable global banking collapse of the worlds fiat monetary system. The game is rigged, as I have said before. I have had a lot of messages and will respond as best I can to all questions but today I have prepared a piece around Universal Basic Income, the furlough, that is placating the people. It too will collapse, like a house of cards that is the banking system, and the rest of government.

Just to reiterate this point again: furlough keeps everyone in place.You’re not being paid to stay at home and “stay safe.”

You’re being paid to stay complicit.

I have mentioned this before but due its importance I want to restate it again:
Furlough, as some have come to depend on, is psychological preparation for UBI, Universal Basic Income. It is not that which it sounds. Please do not be drawn into what is another trap.

Universal Basic Income is really just a bandaid on extractive corporate capitalism— funnelling money to the top. It's not a long term solution or a viable economic strategy.

Let me explain.

As stated, the plan is to provide people a generous universal banking credit- or this monthly stipend, so it appears appetising, and appeals to the battle fatigue that is the constant state of anxiety to pay bills when people are demanded to stay inside their homes.

And to reiterate this point again— just like “two weeks flattening the curve” or “lockdowns end on the 21st of June”—- the goal posts WILL change. They will slowly reduce the money, as your purchasing power diminishes daily— and eventually it will inflate away.

For a long time I was a fan of the idea of universal basic income. But thats all it is, an idea.

I supported it because I supported the logic we are always told by politicians that we have to “create jobs.” And I used to believe the government introduces policies to create jobs for the betterment of the economy. In some ways thats true. But now I understand the macro economics of inflation and how this is not sustainable.

In a nut shell, governments tend to lend money to a bank who then lends money to the corporation. Traditionally that corporation is meant to provide jobs. In theory.
But is the intent because we really need more jobs? Or just more money to funnel back up to the corporation?

For example, In California they are tearing down houses as we speak because many are in foreclosure and they want to keep market values high.

The US Dept of agriculture is burning food every week to keep those prices high. Never mind that there are many people starving. Just like many need homes.

The excuse of not allowing people to have homes is usually blamed on the fact that they "don't have jobs” so they can’t afford it. Never mind when the same happens to government spending, they can print money. So why not print it for the people as well?

And on paper it sounds like the perfect win/win.

But reality is very different.

Whether they call it UBI , Furlough or “covid stimulus”—- free money can not sustain anything.

Universal basic income isn’t a way to help people come up with the money they need to survive, spend more time with their family, or focus on what they really want to do in life. In reality its allowing companies the ultimate excuse to not pay their employees a living wage to their workers. The idea here is to allow government to print more money— give it to workers, to spend more money back in the corporations. “Buy more things”- the same things that end up in storage, landfills or garage sales. So what is UBI really? Just another way to perpetuate the rat race of consumers at the bottom of the pyramid. Not as owners.

What UBI does, if you look at the whole model— is it allows the people who own the lions share of wealth to own more and more of it. We print more of it and it goes to the top. Thats not a long term solution. It also dilutes purchasing power as inflation steps in.

Sure social security, benefits, and welfare have their place for those in need, but thats not a solution for the entire country! Not a great long term economic strategy— its really just a bandaid on extracting corporate capitalism. How do we extract more? Print more cash.

UBI allows the people who own the lions share of wealth to collect more of it— b/c its not about freeing the people, It's about enslaving them again inside a system to spend more money.

If we are going to do anything, why not hand out "universal basic assets?" Food. Water. Shelter. Empower LOCAL and SMALL Businesses - not force them to to close down while corporate giants continue. Instead of offering “free vaccines”— notice none of the other medicine is free? Things that people depend on daily— insulin, eps pens, etc? Why not give out FREE Vitamin C, D, and stop the genetic mutation and poison that infiltrates the food and water supply? Shouldn’t THIS be the priority of government instead of interfering with what should be— free markets?

What if, instead of incentivising people to work like slaves, the workers had the opportunities to hold real assets— of ownership? Why give them a hand out so that the money just gets displaced to the same corporate coffers or going into the shares of the company, again for more profit?

Inflation is real and as I’ve said before its happening now. This “dependency on the state” according to history has never served the public, only the few at the top. Please prepare yourself and your families so that when the system does crash, you are prepared