An Absurd Spanish Lesson - Guessing Spanish Slang And Idioms (Video)
What's that? You wanted to see Spanish newbies teaching Spanish slang? Oh good! That's exactly what we're doing today in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Gringos guessing Spanish, at it again! Mexican Spanish slang and idioms are pretty hilarious if you don't know what they mean, like us. As we're trying to become fluent in the language, this might be more like how NOT to learn Spanish, but it's a fun exercise nonetheless.
We each found 7 Spanish phrases that don't make sense in English and asked the other person to guess what they actually mean. Figuring out Spanish idioms was super funny.
An absurd Spanish lesson or the best way to learn Spanish slang in Mexico? We'll let you decide.
Watch the full video below.

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Check out @wadepaterson's 20 Questions with TangerineTravels.

@sharingeverybite (Maddie)
@shenanigator (Jordan)
(and Laska the Siberian Husky)

nice video :)
Thanks for watching!
you are welcome my friend :)
This is actually cool. It is not an absurd way of learning Spanish. Learning such would have been harder for someone with no prior knowledge of Spanish language, and seeing that you know how to converse in it, it's perfectly fine. Every little bit helps and this sure helps. This is way better than the last hahaha as you managed to give more clues and even answer some.
Maddie got two right and you got one, even though I will give you two as well since you gave a perfect clue to one, you just didn't say it exactly as it should.
You guys did well and it will get better.
We still really struggle to understand most people who are speaking Spanish at full speed, especially here in Guadalajara. But I think it's coming to us little by little.
I gave her a couple of easy ones, so I think I won ;)
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. I like that. :)
Don't let her hear this. Hahaha
Hi los amigos,
Good to see you are learning Spanish so diligently. How is your life other wise?
I got long was to catch up with your Spanish speaking ability. Keep learning.
Very entertaining with huskie on his shoulders.
Hola amigo!
Things have been pretty busy for us as we've been trying to put out so much content, but we're really enjoying our time here in Guadalajara.
Do you know yet when you'll be making the trip down to Mexico?
Another year from now.... a month ago I resigned from my full time and still not found work so, put me back a bit with my $.
Hahaha, you guys rock!!! I totally love your vlog, this is so cool and entertaining and funny the natural way.
PS: I had to mention you in my own vlog today, which is about Spanglish (you'll know what I'm talking about, hehe) :-))
Thanks, Marly! Had you heard any of these phrases before? Going to watch your vlog now :)
Haha, funny that you ask!!! Because I hadn't heard about all of them. "Tirar los tejos" is something we also use here, as well as "Poner las manos en el fuego" and "tomar el pelo" (which is actually one of my favourites when it comes to strangeness, haha).
I loved the Coca-Cola one - too funny!!
Now that I don't know all of them is surely due to the fact that there are a loooot of different types and slangs of Spanish, and especially phrases differ depending on the country you're at.
For instance, on Canary Islands we say Estoy tieso. instead of Estoy crudo. when we're hangovered.
Oh I'd love to have a conversation about funny Spanish phrases with you guys now!! We'll do that the next time we meet, ok? :-)
Big hugs
Hopefully, by then we can actually have a conversation like that. In Spanish, of course. That's funny about "Tirar los tejos" because some of our Mexican followers said they had never heard that one.
Like you say, I'm sure the phrases vary based on location.
If you liked this video. I think you'll really like this one if you haven't seen it. It's one of our faves.
Oh yessss I very much liked this one, too!!!
You should definitely post more of these funny dialogues :-)
By the way: my today's video will be dedicated to you guys, including a riddle - haha!
So stay tuned ;-))
they are totally different lexicons and Spanish is very modifiable and customizable depending on the context, area or region, and English is more excato for each word
We're finding that to be very true. One Spanish speaker from one part of the world says they use a certain phrase all the time. Another one from a different part of the world says they've never heard of such a phrase!
This is really funny. But I think you are improving in your Spanish
Very Nice Video!!!! @TangerineTravels
Great post, greetings from Venezuela!!!
Gracias! Espero que hayas disfrutado el video.
Wow it very nice post and a love to see it.
And vidio so meaning full for us.
Thank's @tangeeinetravels