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RE: Vaccines Cause Autism - A Comic

in #funny8 years ago

Get your facts strait Mynameisbrian... No shots were fired at Comet Pizza, the perp was an ACTOR PLANT, and to deny this is to deny the elite pedophile satanic abuse occurring all over the world. OMG OH NOES tweets of harassment! OH NO, so much worse than RAPING CHILDREN. You're just regurgitating MSM false narratives (what a good little lackey).... If you deny the thousands of pedo-arrests and the overwhelming evidence to keep your fluffy little reality fluffy than you are NO better than the abusers. Silence of the willingly ignorant is how this evil prevails. Your comments coming from a deep-seated cognitive dissonance make me sick. Now is not the time to be a COWARD and deny overwhelming evidence because your poor fee-fees might be hurt, there are HELPLESS CHILDREN being abused by Politicians, DSHS employees, Hollywood, Media, and the SATANIC ELITE PEDOPHILE RING MASTERS. You know the more I read your garbage the more I see you're a disinformation agent. Brian Podesta, son of Don and Jane Podesta, related to John Podesta, working for the NCMEC is NO coincidence. Ever heard of the Streisand Effect Pal? You're sickening display of misinformation only questions your motives and strengthens the resolve of those fighting against shills such as yourself.


Thanks for the resteem @socore

I'm replying here since I can't in the other thread that you responded to me in due to nesting limits. You asked me to provide evidence to support my claim. I'm guessing you skimmed my comment because I cited some major examples within the comment itself.

"polio, mumps, tetnus"

I cited these major examples of vaccines being successful because I had made a claim and the burden of proof was on me.

One can try and argue there being dangers in some vaccines and maybe there is merit in individual cases but to say that vaccines have provided no benefit to humanity is an untenable stance.

"No shots were fired at Comet Pizza"

False, shots were indeed fired.

"You're just regurgitating MSM false narratives"

You appear to regurgitating crackpot narratives.

You cite MSM lies... Hope you recover and rejoin reality