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RE: Sugar without Sugar

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

Well I get it. Suger Free.
But I will take this opportunity to say, it's hard to make cool-aid without suger, and since I don't drink alcohol or soda pop almost ever,

and I've learned to appreciate freezer water, bottled water in a slushy state, that I really don't consume near as much suger as I used to.

My point is, You don't need to add suger to anything, especially fake suger. Truth is you're body loves icy cold fresh clean water, and if you give a little time, you will love it too. I'm constantly refilling my bottle from 5 gallon bottles, freezing them, and drinking them as they defrost.

Give it a try, You really do not need that much Fake or Real Suger.

Unless perhaps you are some kind of alien...