The parody of the drone attack in Venezuela
I will show you, what I think, what happened the day of the act that, according to, attacked the president ...
The drone comes to attack the president:
The drone exploded at a distance quite far from where the president was:

The rings that protect the president were asleep, they reacted late, that is, if the drone gets closer to the presidential rostrum, would they have achieved the objective of eliminating Maduro? All this, from the perspective of the Warriors of the Revolution.

Let's see from the personal perspective, a Venezuelan more than those who are working in this, the worst crisis experienced in this country, that even in the dictatorships declared with Juan Vicente Gómez and Marcos Pérez Jiménez did not see a pod similar: My opinion: Mature, while the town is peeling balls, arms all this melodrama of self-blow to divert attention. But, how strange, notice the reaction of the President's wife to the alleged attack, the image speaks for itself.

In conclusion, I continue and I continue to bring life to all and all Venezuelans, fuck I am very rich and tasty sending.
Postscript: He believes that removing (tearing, eliminating, killing) five zeros to the coin will fix all misfortunes brought in since he is in power. I confess that I was Chavista, but the Commander made a mistake in leaving this donkey in power.