1 - All containers are good for vodka.

2 - Lada turns into killing machine.

3 - Rails and bicycle lanes are same.

4 - Planes fly in middle of street.

5 - Government spies itself.

6 - (...)

7 - Hunting trophies go outside house.

8 - Bicycle includes subwoofer for hard bass.

9 - Windshield is removed for improved visibility.

10 - Cows travel in backseat.

11 - Metal spoon turns into cucumber.

12 - Slingshot shoots bigger AND FASTER.

13 - Not even air friction is wasted.

14 - Bus travels underwater.

15 - Coca-Cola comes out of bathroom.

16 - Air conditioner helps the environment.

17 - Toilet seat has other uses.

18 - House turns upside down.

19 - Nope, Chuck Testa.

20 - Winter is second summer.

21 - Horse rides itself.

22 - Mother-in-law waits for you in car.

ahh, living the dream ; )
Banana shot glasses .. damn fine idea!!