Stairway to Heaven

in #funny7 years ago

I'm getting just a little tired

of all these "tree-hugging" posts
cluttering up steemit lately
my own included!

I mean, quite expectedly,
after a really fine meal,


an old man's thoughts start turning to

Climbing the Stairway to Heaven!


But let's face it.....

Every time you think you're getting glimpses
Of your goal....


The damn trees get in the way!


and you can't see for shit




Damn trees!


All photos courtesy of my Blackberry Priv
ouzo and out,


Hhhh you can say'' damn trees ! '' to vent your anger
But do not run away from your problems and try to be patient

You don't think I can outrun my problems? You have no confidence in me?

Just be patient ..
And I think everyone has the ability to outrun his problems

Absolutely not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know several people who's problems are going to catch up with them LOL

lmao check out my page fam!

Where're you looking sir? You want climbing mountain. Will see heaven earlier.

I was walking along the road one dark night and I saw a man down on his hands and knees under the stree lamp. He seemed to be sifting his fingers through the dirt.

I asked him what he was doing down on the ground there.

He said "I'm looking for the ring I lost."

I asked him if he lost it right there.

"Oh, no sir" he responded. "I lost it way back there somewhere under those trees when I stopped earlier for a bite to eat."

"But then, why are you looking here, under this street lamp?" I demanded of him.

"Why, sir, of course because there's more light here to see!"

Woah....That's awesome content.
Of course sir! You're delightful to me now...I see some light here. Its @onceuponatime.

how bout dis?

i woke up one morning, and my back hurt. but i fought through it. because life is hard, and when you're in pain, the best thing to do is just keep going. otherwise, if you stop, you die. and then you are no longer living. and that's terrible.

~ fin ~

"Do not go gentle into that good night."

"I see some light here" too! 😆

"Underneath the lamp post by the barrack's gate.
Standing all alone every night you see her wait."

"Here dead lie we because we did not choose
To live and shame the land from which we sprung."

OK.. I think that's it for me.

True words of a dream pursuer, not a tree hugger.
I also try my best to pursue my dreams and not to mistake heaven with a wall!)

Damn trees!

I'm sorry, it's serious post but that last bit just exploded me with laughter...))

Most people say Home is where the Heart is.

But my friend, @trumpman, says "Home is where the fart is!"

I like the heart option more :d

You are such a romantic :-)

@trumpman is much more practical. He realizes that if you can't do it at home, where could you?


Praise the Lord that we have men like Papa who can appreciate the basics!

The point is very valid.

My Dearest Hubby once told me that the reason that dating was hell was because then you might have her over to your place and then you have to debate that very question with yourself.

Sounds like you married a wise man!

Pffft... oh well... I can't disagree with that haha!))

Hard to argue with brutal logic!

@onceuponatime i heard saying, Home is in the intelectual capacity of being happy.

Tree is not coming on your way and i was the thinking coming on ur way..just change your position a little, you could see everything which you wish to....

Thank you @onceuponatime and Have a great day.

Oh dear. Another person accusing me of thinking!

Dear @onceuponatime, it seems like we hang around the same places...I mean that's where I just took my afternoon workout! The pic is 30 minutes old he he

Good thing you didn't knock me over as I was walking by today :-)

Knock you over for what, sir? I am as peaceful as it gets...I would probably say: "Lord Vader of Steemit, please let's have some ouzo and meze at Giannis taverna, so you can teach me the secrets of the Steem Side." I hope you would say, "May the Force of Steemit be with you" he he

this pic is now 48 hours and 30 mins old lmao


@papa-pepper peeks in to see what kind of trouble the oldsters are getting into now!

I try to get around. Glad to know that I'm not the only one struggling with the real issues of life.... trees...

The problems with trees are quite deep-rooted!

You simply move past the trees! Problem solved.

If it were that simple, all problems would have been solved by now. For instance, World Peace: just stop fighting :-) have a point there. But then, it all begins with you. If you decide to stop the fighting, then we are one step closer to that World Peace. Same way, with one step, you are closer to moving past the trees!

And the one-eyed man is King in the land of the blind?

I stopped fighting decades ago but the f'ers still want to tax me to pay for wars!

I could not walk by when I saw this post, but you know what I thought, you are a great manipulator, you manipulate people. You last post brought you a lot of comments praising nature, trees but when I read the responses to this post it frightens me a bit, I hope people just joking when they say: "just cut them down... damn trees and so on..." but on the other side in every joke there is a little of truth, like you see the real personality. Anyway, I believe you have had your fun and as a proverb says: you played your tune, you made the Steemians to dance to it. I would say you are good psychologist.

Never mind everybody else. Do you feel manipulated?

Me not, at least not with this post :)

Oh, so you are just worried about the other people who are much more easily manipulated than you. Such a kind heart you have :-)

cut down trees is better than crashing your ferrrari into them tbh

As street photographer, there are many times were I got my self thinking "if there was not this human there, my frame sould have been perfect. But I never said anything like that for a nature's child. And why? This is only one reason. Respect. I know that cutting your visions is not the best idea. Believe me. You can add it to your frame and not think to remove it. Think that sometimes, to claim it's size, it takes much more years than 3, 4, even 10 human's years of life.

Hey, you can take a day off once in a while :-)

Goodmorning once. It is my nature not to have a day off :)

We all must struggle to overcome our (mechanical) natures :-)

I might am an exception of this rule. :)
I always trying to be an exception. Maybe the reason is that I am from Samos. And Samos is the mother of one of the best wines. Vin Deux Samos.
This wine can make your mechanical natures work with all their energy :)

i see some big aspiration in the making ;)

"Aspiration means you’re breathing foreign objects into your airways. Usually, it’s food, saliva, or stomach contents when you swallow, vomit, or experience heartburn. This is common in older adults, infants, and people who have trouble swallowing or controlling their tongue."

I know I sign out "ouzo and out" but, really, it hasn't gotten that bad yet. Thank you for your concern though! Much appreciated! :-)