Day or Night?

in #funny7 years ago

Are you a "day" or a "night" person?

(What are you talking about, @onceuponatime?)


When do you feel most at home?


With pretty much of a "loner" temperament,

I usually prefer the stillness, peace and
tranquility, calmness, the laid back pace

of the night

DayOrNightOneipad photos 052.JPG
......Toronto by night

to the harried glare,

rivalry, run around busyness,
the grasping over-competitiveness

of the day

DayOrNightTwoipad photos 050.JPG
......Toronto by day


I guess another way to put it:

Do you prefer the bustling of a big city


or the kinder, gentler pace of a small town or village?



This sight opens my soul to the world before me:


Whereas trapped here:


only makes my spirit fee like:



And you?

When/where are you more alive?



Or here?



  • image (1) through (8) are from
  • @twiceuponatime kindly donated the other two images

ouzo and out,

Help me to escape the grind of city life! Upvote this post...

...especially if you decide to comment :-)

Your upvotes keep me looking out this window:

image by @twiceuponatime


Τhere is a saying in Greece "anyone who walks at night, mud and shit steps on" for this reason i prefer the day! :PPPPP

"Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes"

xaxaxaxa... I do not walk at nights so i do not step on it :)))))

What might you be missing out on then? Wiping a little shit of your shoes may be the price to pay for some experiences :-)

xaxaxa...i prefer a bird dropping (this is considered luck) on me, it is beter than a shit of my shoes... what do you prefer? :))))

The night time
Is the right time!

Lol ... great saying.

I prefer the big city. I will pick Athens, Paris, New York etc. three seasons of the year (excluding summertime) than any small, "peaceful" little paradise. Actually, after living in Athens and places such as Paris, Birmingham, Marseilles and Pisa (alright not so big) for 17 years, coming back to my hometown has been a 15-month NIGHTMARE for me.

Ask me this question in 30 years from now and I may have changed my mind. At this point of my life though, I really look forward to move back to Athens again at some point (soon I hope).

There's no rest for the restless :-)

Bro trust me Athens is a great city (I live there ) but you ll enjoy its beauty only if you live in south coast or north.Everything else between just drives you crazy.
But since you've lived in so big cities,I assume Athens would suit you just fine since you lived here as well

Me and Athens have a long history together!!! Really long. Goes back to the mid-80s when my two older brothers moved there for studies (and work later). They first lived in Palaio Faliro and then Glyfada (from 1985 to 1992). I spent whole summers and TONSSSSS of weekends there.

Then, back in 1999 I moved there (Asklipiou and Massalias near Kolonaki) for studies and work later on. I picked the road Massalias because in Greek it means Marseilles and it's where my French grandma comes from (always fun facts with me lol). I spent in Athens on and off (excluding my military service, Masters and some Euro "adventures" in the meanwhile) a total 17 years. I left my apartment back in January of 2017. I found it in August of 1999, so this is more than 17 years actually.

My love for the historic district of Athens is bigger than life. When I go there now and see my old neighborhood and apartment I cry. No shite lol!!! I will kindly disagree with you though. For all its beauty in the South, coming from a place like Corinth and Loutraki, I was never impressed by Southern Athens; Sure it's BEAUTIFUL, but I will pick Plaka, Kolonaki, Rigillis, Thiseion, Zappeio, Dionysiou Aeropagitou and Koukaki any time. Let's just pray that Steemit makes us (and me) wealthy enough to rent a nice apartment near Acropolis somewhere ;)

A night owl that has seen the big cities and has lived in a few, but was raised in the countryside and is trying to make do with the lack of facilities that was found in the town would say:
"Tour the big cities but settle somewhere cozy, where there'no constant hustle and it's so much less noisy" ;)

Unless of course you consider annoying roosters as sound pollution :P

Although I grew up in a big city (Toronto) and have also visited a few, I have since spent most of my adult life in sometimes unbelievably remote places. I would now like to compromise somehow by living in a country home, but not too far from a reasonably large village or town. Or do I ask too much of life?

That's exactly what I've been doing the past 5 years and even though at first it was hard, I've come to believe the quality of life is incomparably better.

The key is to keep the right distances, that way you gain your valuable peace and quiet without having to sacrifice the luxuries of life in the town. I live in a small village, 4km from the nearest town and 70km away from two of the biggest cities in Greece. The mountains are about 15-20km away and so is the sea. If that's not almost perfect, then what is? :)

I'm a night person, I like calmness. But when I get bored I suddenly prefer the day. And after a while, I prefer the night again.
Also sometimes I like something in the middle, nor the day nor the night.

Wherever you go, there you are :-)

Puuuuuf... I'm everywhere! Magic! :))

A really beautiful post, inspiring and uplifting! Great choice of photography to highlight the menacing of the article, questions and content.

As for me, the peace and relative calm of villages/small places as well as wild ones nourish my spirit all the way deep down my soul, as I believe you may know.

Namaste :)

Yes! I didn't yet get in to the psychology of the "wild" places. Perhaps in an upcoming post :-)

Tons to reference from! I can't wait to see the results of THAT.

Namaste :)

Yes sir Eric sharing the same sentiment as you are. Seeing this photo will surely uplift your spirit 👏

I'm a morning person - I think the best time to explore cities is at dawn, when the streets are quiet. But i would prefer to be as far away at the city streets as possible, preferably with my walking boots and rucksack on, walking in the forest.

Just when I finally want to fall asleep, you want to go out walking LOL

I walk the middle path in everything, @onceuponatime.
Personal Peace in night and in the morning.
I create my own space wherever I live. So the city never matters. I just need the facilities and resources. :)

Only in matters of the heart I am never on the middle path. Getting there, though :) .

100% Upvoted :)

First of all ... at night. I prefer the night, especially when I have something to do and so I'm not disturbed by the agitation around me. Besides, I'm bluemoon, I like watching the night sky, the moon, the stars. I live in the largest city in my country, but fortunately my house is in a suburb, away from the agitation and crowd in the center. Thus, for me, the great city turns into my little oasis, which I leave quite rarely. I would prefer to live somewhere near the sea on an island like Thassos (it is the only one I visited) but it remains a dream that I don't think will ever happen.

Thank you! Although I consider myself Young at Heart, I often forget. You reminded me with this song. I feel much better and optimistic, thanks again!

The evening and the village. Not quite night, but its the beginning. When all had fallen silent but not turned to darkness. The hour when nightingales sing their songs, when the stars are just lit in the sky. Then it seems to me that the whole world belongs to me, and all this beauty is created for me. Just me, beauty, peace and infinite space. This is the perfect time for my inspiration. The time when I feel my Self most clearly.

i think I am a hybrid of the two. I tend to be a bit more of a night person though. The cities were made for the young to enjoy. I love them too. Thanks. @onceuponatime

Genghis Khan didn't see any purpose in cities. Perhaps he was on to something :-)