How to Tell If a Post is Meant to be Funny or Not

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Good day to you. My name is Mr. Himself and I will be your educator today.

For some reason, even that line was funny to me.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Class.jpeg

How? Why?

What's so funny?

Allow me to explain by writing a few things. In order for you to be able to grasp some level of understanding, reading will be required. If you cannot read, what the fuck are you doing here?

Anyway. It would be nice if people could respect the 'funny' tag. Those using the 'funny' tag are typically attempting to enter their post into the funny pages. Have a look at a newspaper. Now have a look at Steemit. Have another look at the newspaper. Then, look at Steemit again. Are you noticing any similarities? No? Oh for fuck sake...


So, in the newspaper we have many different sections. One of those sections is called the funny pages. It's usually full of jokes and humor. Since people are familiar with this thing called the funny pages, they can be prepared to read jokes and humor in advance. This makes life easier because nobody likes an asshole who suddenly starts laughing at the news story about those people who got drunk and rammed their van into that store that sells dildos. Yes, it's humorous but someone may have been hurt. If someone gets hurt within the funny pages, it's okay to laugh at their misfortune because there's a strong chance that character was a cartoon or just acting and didn't really get hurt. See the difference? No? Goddammit...


So! If you are about to read something on Steemit, read the tag. If the first tag used is funny, that fucking word will be right at the goddamn top of the post. This is a clear indication that everything you are about to read is not to be taken 100% seriously. Sure, there might be some important information mixed in that could be taken seriously, but the author is using the goddamn funny tag to make it incredibly fucking obvious to anyone who's about the read the goddamn post that what's inside is meant to be humorous.

With that much information already handed to the reader on a silver fucking platter, taking the contents within seriously is the biggest douchebag move anyone can do to the author. Especially when they're finished and they leave a stupid comment that clearly shows how they had no fucking idea they were reading something humorous. How the fuck they can power through something designed to be funny without even realizing it is beyond me, but whatever, that's why they hired me to teach people stuff.

Pro-tip: If the first tag used is 'funny' and you see swear words and assume the author must be angry, you're an asshole! Why? Because! Reasons!



Mr. Himself?


I have a question.

I can tell. Would you please just ask the goddamn question instead of wasting my time with all of this small talk.

Sorry. You make me feel nervous.

Please! Just grow a spine and get on with it!

Okay. So. I was wondering if it's okay to use the 'funny' tag because for about two seconds my kitty showed up in front of my camera as I was talking about Bitcoin and I laughed.


That's not okay!
You're mixing news or commentary about a specific topic with something cute, okay! Look at that damn newspaper again! Do you see any talking heads mixed in with the humorous articles, comics or cartoons? No! You don't and there's a reason for that!

What's the reason?

Listen. Do you want to fail this class? I can do that, you know. I can write a big ole red 'F' on your paper and send you packing. Do you want to live in a basement suite under an old lady that has three dogs and seventeen cats who run around all day making it sound like you're living under a murder during a thunderstorm for the rest of your life or do you want to learn!

I want to learn.

Then pay attention!

People can still laugh at your stupid kitty but your show about the things you felt like saying that day because people actually listen to you for some stupid reason is not about kitties or humor. It was an accident that you somehow managed to be funny while boring people to death with your analysis. You should not be using the funny tag unless you want people to think you're one big fucking joke! Get it? Got it? Good!

You can be entertaining and that will probably earn you a larger following because most of these people are so goddamn boring it makes my head spin but please leave the funny pages alone. You'll fit in perfectly fine nestled in to your own section with your own people listening and paying attention to them being wrong more than half of the time.

Now look what you did!

I have no idea where I was going with this because of your damn distractions. I had all kinds of interesting things to say and now I forgot what those were because of you!

Let me see your lunch.

Okay. I'm taking the sandwiches and the juice box, I'm going outside, I'm going sit in my car, smoke a big bowl, get high as fuck, turn on the radio, then eat these sandwiches.

Everyone else is dismissed except you. You're going to stay back and write I am the biggest, stupidest, ugliest piece of shit in the entire class and now I don't have any sandwiches because of it fifty times on the board. Then you can leave a dollar on my desk for using up all my chalk and go play with the friends you don't have.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"If I just sound like a crazy person, vote. That means I did a good job."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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Unfortunately, humor can also sometimes be used as a weapon. In fact, occasionally that is its primary purpose.

It can be used as a weapon disguised as a pen to prove a point without bloodshed. People have used humor to draw attention to serious matters for thousands of years. It can hurt the feelings of those who act invincible on the outside. Their reactions to it often reveal their weaknesses along with their true colors.

My intentions here weren't to hurt any feelings, but I realize it might get under someones skin. At the same time, this is a skit with shades of satire. That's not actually me talking. It's a performance. Mr. Himself is an asshole teacher. The only way to get that right is to say things only an asshole would say. I certainly don't mean it but there's still some good takeaway from all this if one reads between the lines.

Hey, don't be defensive. I was speaking in generalities, and not about this post in particular. This post is spot on!

What came to mind was the insidious weaponized humor being used by some television comedians such as Stephen Colbert and John Oliver.

But on the other hand, George Carlin and Bill Hicks were gods! And you too!

It's a touchy subject for me at times, so, pardon me! I do get defensive. Take enough flak and it becomes a bad habit after awhile.

I'll tell you the difference between people like Colbert and Carlin though. Colbert has a big red sign above the set that lights up when people need to laugh. Carlin didn't. Need I say more? LOL!

I can't read - I came here for the pictures - thankfully @sift666 provided some or I'd still be none the wiser :P

Yeah. This was about Madonna wrestling. Wasn't too important.

You've raised several good points in this lecture, but I have some issues:

So, in the newspaper we have many different sections. One of those sections is called the funny pages.

Unfortunately, as you might not be aware, most people do not read newspapers anymore. Moreover, I also believe this section is only colloquially called the "funny pages" and is more correctly described as the "comics section."

Listen. Do you want to fail this class? I can do that, you know. I can write a big ole red 'F' on your paper and send you packing.

Mr. Himself, I'll have you know that intimidating your students is not to be taken lightly. Why, just earlier last week or a few weeks ago, a teacher fired a gun out of a classroom window, intimidating his students. I can imagine you don't want to be associated with such antics.

I'd say it's too soon to be cracking jokes about this topic, wouldn't you?

Then you can leave a dollar on my desk for using up all my chalk and go play with the friends you don't have.

My word, what reckless and tasteless disregard for the sensitivities of your students. Who allowed you to become a teacher? Bullying is serious business, Mr. Himself!

Accordingly, I have flagged this post by negative one-hundred per cent. That's two negative things in one! I hope that it properly illustrates my disgust at you today.

As Mr. Himself, I'd just like to say: Thanks for actually showing up to class today. It's good to see you're sober for a change. I just have to tell you a few things:

Unfortunately, as you might not be aware, most people do not read newspapers anymore. Moreover, I also believe this section is only colloquially called the "funny pages" and is more correctly described as the "comics section."

You're a moron.

Mr. Himself, I'll have you know that intimidating your students is not to be taken lightly. Why, just earlier last week or a few weeks ago, a teacher fired a gun out of a classroom window, intimidating his students. I can imagine you don't want to be associated with such antics.

I'd say it's too soon to be cracking jokes about this topic, wouldn't you?

Biggest fucking moron I've ever met.

My word, what reckless and tasteless disregard for the sensitivities of your students. Who allowed you to become a teacher? Bullying is serious business, Mr. Himself!

Accordingly, I have flagged this post by negative one-hundred per cent. That's two negative things in one! I hope that it properly illustrates my disgust at you today.

Yeah well, fuck you too.

NoNamesLeftTouse -Fail.jpeg

...and I'm not sorry for spitting purple drink all over your paper either.

Funny - again your post makes me remember high school. One time I got 400 lines for leaning back on my chair. I wrote one line of "I know leaning back on my chair is dangerous" at the top of 10-11 pages or so - and 390 lines of ditto marks. The teacher said screw it, I won this time, because she didn't want to keep me in detention any longer lol

The next day in class a kid fell leaning back on his chair, and hit his head hard on the floor. Richard Wang. He actually cracked his skull open, an ambulance came and he had to have staples put in his skull. He was in a medically induced coma for like a week and out of school for like a month. NO that last part didn't happen - gotcha. The Richard Wang part was a reference to your last post about head - Dick Wang hit his Head? Good times.

I got 5000 lines from a crazy lady. I found a dead mouse near the swings when I was about nine or ten. I picked it up by the tail and threw it into a crowd of kids. It hit one guy on the side of the face and then went down his winter jacket. He didn't know what it was but he found it eventually and looked at it, then realized what it was so he freaked out and threw it away but it hit the crazy lady. Some other kid ratted me out for starting the whole thing. I didn't write those lines though. She kept asking me and I just kept saying I wasn't finished. She said I had until Friday but she didn't say which Friday.

That last post of mine bombed. I couldn't think of any good jokes. It wasn't terrible but I think if I was to do it again I'd just shut the fuck up and talk about the art.

5000 lines? Whoa! And I thought 400 was a lot lol What a stupid punishment anyway, writing lines... "Here completely waste 2 hours of your youth"

Total waste. Trying to get through that stupid seaweed on the Ninja Turtles swimming level without dying for more than two hours: not a waste of youth.

Some people find me really funny when I don't think I am and when I try to be funny I am just awkward.
However, who gives a shit. Everybody is the way it is and you are indeed attracting critics with this post.
I am writing because I launched a miserable contest and you should participate, because I consider you an artist and you are good at doign body parts.

I can only do the funny stuff naturally as well. If someone says, "Hey! Say something funny!" I'll typically respond with, "Something funny." Mr. Himself is a jackass and it's okay to laugh at a jackass. If I was acting like that in public, it wouldn't be funny at all... even though, knowing me, if I saw it, I'd be laughing... but that's just how I am.

I'll have a look at this contest now.

Jesus, I do the same. When someone ask me say something, I reply something auhauahuah
I thought I was the only one that would find it funny ^^
Get your spotted dick in the contest!

Really funny pics and video, upvoted

You bastard.... LOL

I love you guys. I am setting up spamfarmer profile just to spam your posts :D

Lol , your way of writing is totally unique ,doesnt matter if you dont use funny tag ..when ever i see your post my face itself starts to turn into smile ...
You got humour know fuck everything You are awesome..

I use the funny tag because I'm placing my work into the funny pages. I don't want it anywhere else. I know I could write about other thing and make that funny. I do that sometimes. This post I wrote in character. It can't be taken seriously. It's a joke, so it needs to go where it belongs.

Everything you write is never serious , atleast you are making steemit like more than a newspaper ,making it funny ..i love your posts ...i love the technique you write it in with... #ALWAYSFUNNY

even if you haven't used the funny tag. It is pretty obvious.
Your starting the post with

"My name is Mr Himself"

who the fuck doesn't think it is funny.
BTW the education department needs more teachers like you 😂

I enjoy using this Mr. Himself character. Anytime I feel like saying something important now I can just derail the whole thing. So much fun. Who really listens to good advice anyway? LOL

Little Billy raises hand
Oooh, ooh, Mr. Himself! I found an example of talking heads mixed in with the comics.
pulls out comic book
Well maybe the comics got mixed in with the Talking Heads?

... Can I have one of those sandwiches?

Are you attempting to challenge my intelligence, young man? Hmmm? Think you're smarter than the teacher, do you! No sandwiches for you. Your mom told me you're allergic after she su...oh look at the time. Shouldn't you be... leaving. Notice how there isn't a question mark.
LOL.... wtf am I doing with my life...

You should not be using the funny tag unless you want people to think you're one big fucking joke! Get it?

Got it!

and go play with the friends you don't have.

If Sheldon Cooper was your student, you just sent him on vacation