WILL YOU FORGIVE HIMsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny8 years ago


As the wife, will you forgive?


A man business was nosediving and he sought for spiritual help. He was told that the only solution to his problem is to ask for his wife's forgiveness because he had offended her, and again he must ask her to request for a thing and whatever her request is he must do it for her.

So, when he got home he told his wife to ask for a thing she would like him to do for her. The woman said she wanted nothing but he should pick his phone and start calling all his girlfriends and end their relationships right there in her presence.

The husband in a bid to fulfil his promise picked his phone and started dialing...........

Husband: - Ifeoma, I am calling to put an end to our relationship. Bye.

Wife: - Who is Ifeoma?

Husband; - A lady in my office.

Wife: - okay.

Husband; - Hello Juliet, I want us to put an end to our relationship. I want to stick with wife my alone. Goodbye.

Wife: - Who is Juliet?

Husband: - A lady I met at a seminar.

Wife: - Okay.

Husband; - Hello Christianah. Look, I am no longer interested in our love escapade. It must come to a halt today, bye.

Wife: - Who is Chritianah?

Husband: - That tall, fair complexioned usher in our church.

Wife; - Eh! Eh! Okay o.

Husband: - Hello Sade. Please lose my number because I am no longer available for illicit affairs any more. Don't bother to call me, goodbye.

Wife: who is Sade?

Husband: - Sade, omo mama oniresi down the street.

Wife; - Ehn! Na wa o.

Husband: - Hi Bimbo. I want to be faithful to my wife, so let's put an end to our relationship henceforth. Good bye.
Wife; Which Bimbo?

Husband: - Your school daughter you introduced to me last year.

Wife: - Mo daran!! Who again?

Husband; - Hello Bola, it is hightime we stopped this nonsense we are doing. It is unfair, bye.

Wife: - Which Bola is that?

Husband: - Your friend, mama Tolu.

Wife: - Yeepa! Mo ro go. Finished?

Husband: - No. Hello Yemisi, I don't want to sin anymore so let's stop our sinful union now. Bye.

Wife: - don't tell me that was my cousin!

Husband: - Yes, she was.

Wife: - E gba mi o!!!

Husband: - it has not finished o.

Wife: - Okay, who again?

Husband: - Hello Dara, I want to reject devil and his work today, so end has come to that devilish relationship between us forthwith.

Wife: - My sister?

Husband: - I am sorry. It was a mistake.

Wife: - I don die today!! Have you finished?

Husband: - Just only one person.

Wife: Okay call her.

Husband: - Hello ma. Please I want us to end our ungodly affairs today before we end up in hell. So I am no longer interested in it again, bye.

Wife: - You are using "ma" for your girlfriend ehn? So it has come to that. By the way, who is she o?

Husband: - (relunctantly)..........your mummy.....

Wife: - Yeeeeeeeeepaariiiipaaaaa....(she fainted)

If you are the wife, will you forgive him?😀


I gave you a upvote

Please give me a upvote @mamidu

Okay drop your article links here and I will upvote you..... You can also restreem my post and I will do the same thing here after you drop your link here... Thanks

Next time? More beers first! lmao! Great job though! :D


Wow, I got you already, your beers will be ready before my next post..... Lol

Really interesting. Thanks for posting :-)


You are welcome steemain