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RE: Dear Steemit. I have a problem.

in #funny5 years ago

The chief execs wouldn't leave the new owner into the building. They locked the guy out before he could even say hello. Imagine that! They said they wanted to talk with him over the phone before he arrived in to make changes so they changed the bloody locks. Isn't that mad!!

A few of us pointed out this glaring reality. (after the soft fork of course, as we were not informed of it happening beforehand)

If anyone thought there would be no re action to those actions, they were living in lalal land, with too much hubris to be able to see reality.

Interesting times.


Never mess with a billionaire!! The father always told me that! 😃. Good to hear from you matey. You normally disagree with my shitposts

You normally disagree with my shitposts

I normally disagree with 90% of people on here, you're not special. lollolol.

I know right? (the billionaire thing)

The funny thing is, nothing was ever 'done' pre justin, in regards to ned and his stake.

Why is that?
Because all the witness were very comfortable, thank you.
Toys, prams, an throwing, comes to mind.

You can't have an oligarchical system and expect it to function in a non oligarchical way.
The naivety in these parts is astounding.

decentralization eh? If you know the top 20 witnesses , then it is hardly decentralized. yup