Funny story #17: Two friends and the bear - Follow me, I'll follow again
Two campers are walking through the woods when a huge brown bear suddenly appears in the clearing about 50 feet in front of them. The bear sees the campers and begins to head toward them.
The first guy drops his backpack, digs out a pair of sneakers, and frantically begins to put them on.
The second guy says, "What are you doing? Sneakers won’t help you outrun that bear." "I don’t need to outrun the bear," the first guy says. "I just need to outrun you."
Source: research from internet

Reading this story I found it very interesting. The second person is obviously very intelligent, just run faster than the other then the bear will attack the other instead of attacking him. With this dangerous challenge, it can also be seen that their friendship is just like that. But it was clear that if both of them were unarmed, their choice would probably be unique at that time.