【开心一日不停 | Happy day doesn't stop -180521】

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

【1】一个警察发现自己不小心闯进了直播镜头后....-A police officer found himself accidentally crashing into the live camera

【2】这是我的钱!我的钱!一毛都不给你!-This is my money! my money! A hair is not for you!

【3】reddit上一位MarkovManiac的网友上传了她的最新动物妆作品。我靠真的吓尿了-Reddit uploaded a copy of her latest animal makeup work to a friend of Markov Maniac. I really scared the urine

被100元钞票唤醒】护士从口袋里拿出100元钱,试探性的在小李面前晃动,有人大声说,这钱拿到就是你的。让在场的医人员目瞪口呆的是,小李一只手居然颤抖着举了起来,花了五分钟他才够到了钞票,而这个动作意味着他逐渐的苏醒了过来!!!一百块都不给我。。。。-[Men stay up late and become vegetative
Woke up with 100 yuan banknote] The nurse took out 100 yuan from his pocket, tentatively shaking in front of Xiao Li, and someone shouted that this money was yours. The doctors who were present were stunned. Xiao Li actually trembled and lifted one hand. It took him five minutes to reach the banknote. This action meant that he gradually recovered! ! ! One hundred pieces are not given to me. . . .

【5】这样的学校优势真是太得天独厚了……-This school advantage is so unique...

【6】以后找女朋友先问对方:你拍过私房吗-After looking for a girlfriend first ask the other person: Have you ever taken a private home?

【7】手贱起来,连我自己都怕!!哈哈哈哈最后那巴拉几下~-Handcuffed, even I myself are afraid! ! Hahahaha’s last Barbara~

【8】别问为什么,有钱,任性。-Don't ask why, rich, wayward

【9】国外网友分享了自己的离奇遭遇:在商场的公共厕所,他刚脱裤子,门缝突然伸出一颗哈士奇狗头!二哈很镇定,一言不发,瞪他!对瞪一会后,缓缓拔出狗头,跑了…突如其来的二哈几乎摧毁了本就腼腆的他,目前一脱裤子就想起二哈炯炯的眼神!投诉无门,上哪说理去?呼吁大家看好家里的二哈,保护正常人类!-Foreign netizens shared their bizarre experience: In the public toilets in the mall, he just took off his pants and suddenly pulled out a husky dog's head! Two Kazakhstan is calm, without saying anything, call him! After a few minutes of confrontation, he slowly pulled out the dog's head and ran... suddenly, Erha almost destroyed him, and at the moment he took off his pants and remembered his eyes! There is no way to complain. We urge everyone to look good at home and protect their normal humanity!

【10】真是个悲伤的故事-It's a sad story

【11】晚上十二点后睡觉等于慢性自杀,不吃早餐等于慢性自杀,经常烧烤等于慢性自杀,手机24小时开机等于慢性自杀,长期呆室内等于慢性自杀,过多抱怨等于慢性自杀,缺乏锻炼等于慢性自杀。我突然发现,我一天啥都没干,光TM自杀了-Sleeping after 12 o'clock in the evening is equal to chronic suicide, non-eating breakfast is equivalent to chronic suicide, regular barbecue is equal to chronic suicide, cell phone 24 hours is equal to chronic suicide, long-term stay is equal to chronic suicide, excessive complaint is equal to chronic suicide, and lack of exercise is equal to chronic suicide . I suddenly discovered that I hadn’t done my day and I’ve committed suicide

【12】在汪的世界里,强弱从来不是看外表。-In Wang’s world, strength has never been seen in appearance.

【13】据说海边沙滩往往是逗比的聚集地。。。-It is said that the beach on the sea is often a gathering ground for commotion. . .

【14】刚有个二货问我这个能不能拿诺贝尔奖,我看了半天,这真特么的有点道理啊?-Just had a second goods asked me this can not take the Nobel Prize, I saw for a long time, this really special truth ah?

【15】男子乘坐公交车,因车厢太挤,俩蛋都被挤碎了!!-The man took the bus because the car was too crowded and both eggs were smashed! !

【16】北极兔,不站起来一切正常,站起来。。。-Arctic rabbits, do not stand up and everything is normal, stand up. . .

【17】互动话题热评合集,哪个瞬间,你突然被这个陌生的世界温暖地爱着-When you talk about interactive topics, you suddenly feel loved by this strange world.

【18】男生去相亲时的察人技巧,这次评论好难整理,有需要赶快收藏,觉得不实用就看着乐-When the boys went to visit each other, the review was difficult to organize. There was a need for a quick collection.


【开心一日不停 | Happy day doesn't stop -180518】