Kung Fury: The Greatest 1980s Action Movie Parody Ever

in #funny8 years ago

Have you ever watched a 1980s action movie on a VHS tape... or better yet, a BETA tape? Did you ever own a Miami Vice T-Shirt (or at least wanted to). Have you ever played the arcade game Double Dragon? Do you like movies with lots of synthesizers in the background? Do you hate Hitler? Most importantly, do you have a sense of humor?

If you answered "Yes", then you must watch Kung Fury (and I mean right now... the full 30-minute long movie is at the bottom of this post).

The production company is called Laser Unicorns. How could this not be awesome?

Here is the one line summary from Rotten Tomatoes (where it earned an 86%):

"A Miami martial artist cop travels back in time to kill kung fuhrer Hitler."

Why are you still reading this? How did you get past that description and not immediately go to the full video at the bottom of this post? It is definitely rated "R" though so beware.

This is only half of the crazy stuff in this movie.

If you still need some convincing, this movie was made for anyone who laughs when they think of the 1980s. I can't possibly describe this movie in any way that will do it justice... but I will try. If someone could magically combine Miami Vice, Conan The Barbarian, Big Trouble in Little China, any Chuck Norris Movie, with the video game Double Dragon, the result would be almost as good as Kung Fury.

If you are thinking, "That's freaking impossible! Hanshotfirst, you sir are a dirty liar! No-one could possibly do that!", then you have never seen Kung Fury.

Not only did the writer/directer/producer/special effects person/star David Sandberg magically create this combination, he made the film look like you are watching it on an old video tape (complete with tracking problems). The audio appears to be horribly dubbed, the music is perfectly cheesy, and the special effects are... actually surprisingly good (in a campy way). The cherry on top is that he somehow got David Hasselhoff to sing the theme song. In short, it's freaking awesome!

45 year old me thinks this is the greatest movie parody I have ever seen. 14 year old me would have simply thought it was the greatest movie ever. Either way, Kung Fury cannot be described in words, it must be experienced first hand.


This is definitely rated "R". There is no nudity, but there are some "F-bombs" and some ridiculously cheesy and gory scenes.

Did you watch it? What did you think?

Image Links 1, 2


Your post has me greatly hyped about the movie. It seems like something tailor-made for me! :D

Right now, at this moment, I am torn between watching the movie or working. Why life, why???

If it helps, it's only 30 minutes long...

I watched this movie and I couldn't stop laughing. It's funny as hell

It is utterly ridiculous... and magnificent!

it has so much unexpected humor! I watched it twice this year

I first saw this awhile back when it appeared on Valve's Steam. It had me laughing. It takes exaggeration to a very comedic level.

I thought of you right away when I was writing this. We are from the same generation so I figured you had already seen this. It reminds me of so many trips to the video store between 12-16. If I had seen this on the cover of a video tape, I may have lost my mind due to its complete awesomeness.

Yeah I knew a guy who could make paintings in this style. This is an obvious play off of one of the Star Wars series posters. :)

I got burned by some VHS tapes at rental stores that had amazing covers and were horrible movies, it made me a little more in control. :)

(Side note: You haven't added extra details to your profile yet. I didn't know if that was intentional or not - they've added new fields under settings)

I think all I need is one word: DORK.

This is awesome man! Full on action, Loved it. Thanks!

I was really surprised by the special effects... could have been far worse and it still would have been fun.

Yeah! Looks pretty good.

There is just no description that does this movie justice. I always tell my friends that they just need to sit down and watch it to understand its magnificence!

I actually had a friend who watched it and thought it sucked. I was shocked. We haven't spoken since...

I suppose it does depend on what you expect going into it. Still, that's unforgivable! xD

Yeah that was the exact problem. I just built it up huge but did not tell him it was a parody.

good special effects upvoted and followed.

Loved it. Almost as good as Fistfull of Yen from Kentucky Fried Movie.

Wow I haven't seen the sin years. Thank you for reminding me!

This movie popped up on my neflix queue one day and since it starts the movie after clicking to read the description i ended up watching more than 5 minutes before i even hit play. I enjoyed it much more than i anticipated. Probably going to watch it again right now.

That's all it took for me the first time as well. 1 sentence in I knew I had to see it.

I have one major complaint: It isn't in a badly-cropped 3:4 aspect ratio.

That is a great catch! That would have made it even funnier.

4 minutes through it I am laughing so hard I need to take a break and comment. WTF was that lmfao. I am resteeming this for obviously no reason at all.

I even checked the imdb page. This movie is true art. lool

WTF/lmfao is the perfect comment.