What I Think About Crypto Analyses
Trying to predict which direction crypto markets take and when, is like trying to predict the weather in Finland during Mid Summer. It’s a joke really.
In the Mid Summer, we can have the perfect sunshine, rainfall, clouds with peaks of sun, hailstorms, thunderstorm, or even snow. Same goes with cryptos, we all keep hoping for that magical perfect summer day, but it may not come when we expect it. It may not even come at all, it is likely that there is a sunny day ahead, but the world may also throw a snowball (like a curveball, you get it? I just explained a joke, and made it even less funny) at us.
Take out your crystal balls, tea leaves, weather/crypto charts, call the experts and old spirits, read horoscopes, add intuition, pray to gods, draw lines and why not shoot a cupids arrow between them. You’d still be only guessing.
No matter how you try to count, compare to previous years and gather all the information internet provides, you will never ever be certain.
It’s a wild ride and you have to be prepared with an umbrella, sunscreen, swimsuit, winter coats and boots, the whole freaking wardrobe for four seasons, which we are SO lucky to have in Finland.
Like my father always says, you’ll see what the weather is like when you go outside.
Like always, take everything I say with a grain of salt.
I good technical analyst will never say they are 100% certain. The are so many variables to the markets that there's absolutely not way to predict how any chart will go. But with any predictio, it is possible to get a general idea based on certain indicators. Usually, I do my own analysis and then I look at others' analysis to see what others say. It does help in the growth of my portfolio, but I don't rely on it. The markets will do what the markets will do. :P
There is signal in the noise.
I should know, I make a living trading. I could go into depth, but most people don't care.
Suffice to say, it can be done.
A stopped clock tells the right time twice a day and unfortunately that's all that seems to matter to the people who tune in to a certain resident of the trending page.
I went outside to see what the weather was like, looked up at the moon and saw a STEEM logo. The charts told me it would happen, i knew it :P
It's three days until full moon, did you see a parking space for all the Lambos too?
Are you planning a party?
Plenty of spaces yes, all empty at present.
No, but because I'm a girl, I'm bad at parking and I don't wanna scratch my Lambo.
If you arrive unfashionably early there will be plenty of space to park :P
I do hope so!
Finally someone said it!!!! YOU'RE JUST GUESSING!!! You can make all the educated guesses you want analyzing charts but that's still all it is!!
I presume that very few of the analysts are rich themselves, and if they are, not because they predicted all the crypto movements right.
I wouldn't have
understoodnoticed the joke if you haven't explained it. Have you took the photo especially for this post? It is absolutely amazing!It is so good that we have great analists here that make accurate predictions so they get rewarded by the community for their effort to share their predictions. The community is even growing because of them!
Yes I did take the photo, because I didn't have any old photos that would have suited this particular post :D
Ahahahah you're right
Certainty is not the point. You shouldn't be on the market at all if you require certainty.
Technical analysis, however inadequate, is much better than blind emotion for deciding moments of entry and exit. With emotion you'll lose all your money eventually. With chart pattern awareness you'll have at least something to help you keep your wits about you on these turbulent markets.
thank you good post :)
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hey, it's simple. there two direction, up or down.