Random Topic Wednesday - (Strangest Thing EVER)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny8 years ago

Today was the first time I noticed something truly creepy! It has really got me thinking. If this makes me feel like this, what on earth are they feeling?

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To be honest I really don't want to know!!!

The feeling was driving me crazy all afternoon long. I was busy writing a post, a mind-blowing one, but after the first paragraph my mother walked into the house...

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Mother came home with packets of food and we all stood there looking:

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What's in it?!?

That was when I looked into her face and saw sheer horror... The frown on a mother, it is enough to make all people hide in fear.

I am very familiar with the saying when mother is not happy no one is happy. We often use this, maybe even 3 times a day, not because my mother is always angry or sad, but because we know what happens when she is... and that is something that needs to be avoided like the plague.

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Now here comes the strange part. It wasn't just the normal mother not happy feeling. The whole atmosphere in the house changed, no words could describe the feeling, but I am going to try put it in words.

It felt as if I was running away from dogs, that is how high my adrenaline felt. Never before had I felt so anxious, as if something was about to happen, and to add to that I felt stressed and worried.... These 2 things I NEVER feel. I could not stand the feeling, it was becoming unbearable.

I went and asked my brother if he felt the same, he agreed with me. I then asked my younger brother, he was sitting in his usual position (in front of his computer) easiest person to find. His reply was different, "I stay here, away from there, so meh, I felt nothing."

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Funny how this picture looks exactly like him in his element.

My mother finally left the house, to get ice-cream, and the whole atmosphere changed again. That is when I started writing this post and enjoying every second of it. But as life goes, fun and nice things do not last very long. My mother would have to come back eventually... Lets just hope that ice-cream did the trick 😉

Please feel free to suggest any random strange topics you would like me to write about. The best comment/suggestion will receive an upvote and will have their topic choice put up the following week

Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.


@dragonslayer109 - That was indeed a creepy experience. It is weird isn't it - how we just 'feel' something out of the blue. Almost like some ESP. We can not even put a finger on some specific thing causing the uneasiness but it perturbs us all the same. You have turned a strange experience into a funny narrative with ease. Especially - the images are so apt and create their own humor. Certainly something for me to learn ! My blogs must look mediocre at best in face of such brilliant writing. :)


My random topic is "I AM ALLERGIC TO MY MOM'S OTHER SIDE". I hope you like it.

Its funny how I see myself in the humorous way that you write along with funny pictures you insert between your paragraphs.

Let me put you to the test on my specialty. Write about the successes you can reap from cheating your way into a nice employment!

work very well
I love it and love to follow you
vest plz follow me @mudatnad and give me want value from esteem.t
thank you

a very good post. thank you for sharing the story, success is always my friend! I want to like you post. But not yet. Guide this friend!

great work @dragonslayer, you convey your message in a simple and funny way thanks

Great post!! and funny :)

Random topic, the perfection

@dragonslayer109 Thanks for sharing :-)I am following
Best of Luck !.

you'd better pray she doesn't get to read this :P