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RE: Major unhinged irrational outrageous vile disgusting hate mail

in #funny7 years ago

In what I have personally read from the DNC leaks, there are a lot of comments that I feel Hillary and the DNC have to answer for. Her staff's derogatory comments on lower class black voters should have been a much bigger talking point than they were. The emails that use verbiage found in pedophilia circles should raise some eyebrows outside of the more extreme pundits. I mean, the whole pizzagate thing does deserve some investigation by someone besides alex jones. For as bloodthirsty as Americans are to try and track down rapists, this seems grossly overlooked.

And at the very least, if there's nothing there, you could show the path you took to reach that conclusion. That would allay a lot of the questions from other, more well-reasoned people. I just don't know enough and can't be arsed to believe that everything I've found is all that exists. There's not enough info to make a definite conclusion, and the good info that exists has been turned into a cheap talking point to further some tinfoil hat conclusion.

Oof, politics have gotten weird lately...


If there's nothing there, you could show the path you took to reach that conclusion.

That's not how logic works. You can't prove a negative. You can't prove that something doesn't exist.

Yep. Fun fact 'Truth' is a religious word, it means 'Faith'. As in: gospel truth.

Science doesn't prove the truth, it disproves falsehood.

I had a chemistry professor in college who started the semester with your second line. Wise man, both of you.

I'll make you eat those words! ;)

Pizzagate is a conspiracy about a child sex ring run out of a pizza parlor basement (in a restaurant with no basement). They were talking about pizza toppings, but "cheese" and "pepperoni" were secret pedo codewords. Is that right?

There's a good reason to not talk about it: It's completely loony. Sometimes Occam's Razor is the best policy.

More like almonds and cream sauce over pizza. Things that don't quite make sense in any normal context.

Conviniently, the pizzagate conspiracy came right before the election. I think it made a significant impact, at least among internet users.

Not really, to be honest. There wasn't enough decent investigation into it, and the investigation that was done wasn't particularly thorough and generally sensationalist.