Hi Everyone welcome to TRUTH OR DARE. This is a second silly post and is of no importaNCE and again unless you need a laugh. i guess 2018 in retrospect was an an amazing year for me met so many new people from all over and the best part is i didn't have to travel much. as much as my job requires me to go out and meet people make that contact and find ways to develop a relationship with small business all around me you meet people from every continent. Because of where i live and work is basically on main artery here in Montreal i tend to eat and socialize in the restaurants and bars here and about.

Well after a long breakup it took me awhile to smile again which is i guess is normal when your self esteem takes a hit there goes your confidence right? But myself personally still believe (call me crazy) that there is a lock for every key, you just have to keep looking :) and when your time comes you'll meet the person that completes you okay i can hear ya "if ever hahaha" but even that's okay cause i'm pretty much easy come easy go person. As i watch my buddies stand around swiping tinder left and right i find watching their faces is amusing. specially the part when the girls friends or even better their wives pictures come up is just hilarious to see the faces they make :)) NNaww not for me call me a little crazy but happy to be looking I'll wait for her whoever where ever she is :) Please Enjoy play and leave a reply!

DARE: Tell us a fart joke. :)

P.s. Scratch my back and i'll love you back !:)
You're the best!
Thank you @darsico

What an AWESOME SURPRISE my Friend! :)) I kept looking for a @darsico TRUTH OR DARE! :)) One is on my Saturday night. :)) My luck is changing! :)) Please allow me to say that it is her HUGE loss! You are a VERY GREAT PERSON! :)) Though I never met you in Person, I could read People VERY well, I was gifted with that and I know with all my heart that your a VERY kind, understanding, smart, awesome sense of humor and GREAT SOUL to name a few Buddy! :)) Maybe, one day we could possibly meet up. :)) I am currently looking for work and if you possibly need a ambitious, loyal, dedicated and always positive employee. I am considering on leaving the States. Please, consider and think of your Friend @extraterrestrial :)) I strongly believe that we met on here for a reason and everything happens for a reason and there are truly no coincidences. Like I said before, it is on my bucket list to get to BEAUTIFUL Montreal one day. :)) I strongly agree that there is a lock for every key and ANYTHING is possible for those who believe. She will come when you least expect it my Friend and she will be an EXTREMELY lucky and VERY blessed Lady. :)) They say timing is everything. I strongly believe and know once you get your business going and it is EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL, she will be next. Just, PLEASE watch out for those gold diggers! LOL! :)) I got your back! :)) I absolutely loved the video and the post! :)) Mr. Bean is the Man! :)) Hilarious! :)) Not many People could make individuals laugh without saying a word. I'm not one for online dating. It is VERY hard to trust People and over the internet makes it that much more scarier and harder. LOL! :)) ALWAYS, wishing you the VERY best of health and happiness buddy! :)) Your in my thoughts and prayers! :)) Your Friend @extraterrestrial :))
Hi @extraterrestrial THANK YOU for being you, i would welcome you anytime your in town , there's so much opportunity for everyone i would happy to show help work with you :) i think you would do very well :)) sending you my very best vibes :))) your friend @darsico
MY PLEASURE MY FRIEND! :)) Thank you so VERY much for the invite and your Friendship! :)) It truly means the world to me and I will NEVER forget! :)) Thank you so VERY much for everything, the VERY best vibes and your confidence in me. :)) From my mouth to God's ears, I am truly and sincerely considering on coming to BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING Canada. :)) If and when my Cryptos take off, I will be on the first plane to come and visit you, Buddy! :)) Thanks so VERY much for the a-bot upvote! :)) I am BEYOND grateful! :)) Your'e the VERY best my Friend! :)) We will always keep in touch and I am so VERY grateful to have you in my life, Buddy! :)) I am telling my Family, Friends and Clients about you! :)) Your VERY grateful and more than appreciative Friend @extraterrestrial :)))
you got a friend in me :)
I ABSOLUTELY hope and pray that you already know that you have a Friend in me too! :) I wanted to stop by and wish you a GREAT weekend Buddy! :) I hope, pray and I am sure that your printing business is getting closer and closer to fruition. :) I'm saving my pennies and Cryptos to come and visit you one day. LOL! :) I recently purchased a good amount of Digibyte. Something told me to let you know. Who knows, maybe and hopefully I will be a permanent resident of Beautiful Canada one day. :) The States here are getting more and more interesting by the day. Always wishing you and your Family, all the VERY best of everything my Friend! :)) Your Friend @extraterrestrial! :)))
Hi @extraterrestrial here's some good vibes :))))))) i think you will have a lot fun also my little biz is technical consulting/web site hosting/web site development/printing/web promotions/affiliate everything under the sun :)), every season sees changes in types of services in demand. if i wasn't so buried in development i might be out selling more cards,signs and calendars but it's cold it's winter do more stuff indoors generally people plan ahead, more web stuff but i like printing repeat orders are great :) to your amazing success in 2019 @extraterrestrial may you find what you're looking for or it finds you :)) and happiness your friend @darsico
almost missed it in the middle of the "more code less talk"-year ...
i never in my life even considered online dating really .... as bad allegories go : i wouldnt mail-order a car either :/ which is probably demeaning to women but i guess im always demeaning someone here or there ...
It's been years since i had a physical/romantic relationship and frankly i dont really miss it much. Maybe when life is life again , or maybe in the next one
as for the fart joke ?
hmm ...
staying on topic ? an opener i never used either really :p
What a funny hahahha... I enjoy watching mr bean dating.
Why do I fart? It's because it's the only gas I can afford.
yes this is how your life is free to make yourself what you are. You who hold a remote are not you controlled by a remote
jejejeje There are moments that any appointment is good
Truth yes but it's shit lol
Posted using Partiko Android
I don't know how to respond to this. Either way I'm gonna loose
Posted using Partiko Android
lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it
Wow very interesting really! 100% truth