So this just happened...

in #funny6 years ago

Talk about a hard fork!

Yes I somehow managed to stab the fork that far into my finger. I dropped the fork while putting away dishes and reflexively tried to catch it, instead managing to drive it into my flesh against the counter.

I calmly left it in place and found @dillemma outside saying "Emma you want to see something awesome?"

The look on her face as she slowly processed what she was looking at was priceless :)

Then I made her take a picture before I pulled it out to let the process of slowly bleeding out commence LOL

Nah just kidding I held my finger above my head with some pressure for a minute and put a band-aid on it and I am nearly certain I will survive.

Remember kids...

be careful out there!


WTF???? I didn't need to see that.

I hope you took it out before you typed this post!

nah I am going to leave it in till the next hard fork happens as a good luck charm :)

Forking hell, mate. That's next level! 😁

You know me. I am dedicated to Steem :)

What the fork!!!

Ouch! I am used to horror ( movies ), but I actually find this hard to look at as it really happened.

A hug from Portugal,


Great shot @carlgnash! Umpteen years ago, a dude on the job stapled his middle finger to his ring finger with a 2” staple. Man that was a good one! He was about as nonchalant about as you are. Ya’all would get along great!

Gosh! I'm so sorry this has happened to you and I hope it will stop bleeding quickly!

I once dropped a knife and reflexively tried to catch it. Well, I ended up with two stitches and a scar for the rest of my life 😁 I'm just so glad It wasn't worse!

Man, I know that feeling. I accidently jamed the tip of a knife into my hand a few weeks ago because it slipped off of a zip tie that I was trying to cut.

Wow! I think #gross is more appropriate that #funny. "Can't Turn Away Even Though I Should" is probably the best tag.

I hope you heal well and agreeing that you most certainly you will survive. Be safe friend!

In all honesty the very first thing I did after this happened was laugh. So I went with #funny LOL!!!

Man! Did i need to see this! haha

Have you tried to reflexively catch a knife and then ticked that it's a bad idea whilst going for the splits so it'll avoid the toes? One of the best things to watch I reckon!

oh man I have done exactly that many times :) I still have all my toes to boot!

And that's how a superhero was born.


Patch that up! Hopefully, my vote covers your band-aid cost.

waah! this is real painful😲