Scared of WHAT you WANT

in #funny6 years ago

Everybody wants something in life, and sometimes it is not what your really want or expect. For example, I am a new parent, and after about 2 weeks all I want is to sleep, or more specific for my baby to sleep more than 2 to 3 hours. 20180413_065042.jpg My wife and I were slowly starting to go insane, and I started to get worried that we would make a mistake from being tired. But the human body is amazing, and you some how get use to it, and then it happened,

My daughter slept for 4 hours, and my wife got up and just stared, like you are suppose to be up, then 5 hours, 6 hours and she got up again and was like is she breathing. I was asleep through all this, but at 6 and half hours my wife could not take it, so she woke her up to feed her. I thought she was crazy for waking her up and told her she should have let her sleep. Well last night she did it again, but this time it was me.... I was up after three hours like okay time to feed you, then at 5 hours, then I started to pace in my head. So I picked her up and just moved the swaddle to see if she was okay. She tried to wax on wax off my hand so I put her down and she fell back to sleep. She went 6.5 hours again, and instead of enjoying it, we both have panicked. I can't wait till she can drive:-}


That little monkey is doing some super growing. Enjoy that sleep for all it is worth. It might not be there next week. I totally get how you guys are feeling though. I remember worrying all the time if things changed or were disrupted. The reality is that she will be dictating the schedule for a little while yet. So much fun.

Hope you all the best

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hopefully both aja and can be better again for the future, her baby is very sweet must mirib mother and father

well like the man you were, you kept sleeping, while you wife gets to worry if the baby's sleep was normal haha, well it seems women most times enjoys worrying lol
I'm glad it was just the baby sleeping buddy

Probably the sweetest thing I read today

La magia de ser padre

Lol. I remember those day's. If you are panicking now, wait til she starts learning to walk. Damn, talk about hot flushes... Get the bubblewrap ready!

That is a wonderful story and the cutest ever. Not easy being a parent and no matter what you do it's not what you were expecting... Lol
Aww... I hope you do get to relax so you can get some good sleep.... Seems your daughter finally was. Thank you for sharing this and I wish you all the best of luck! Cheers.