Wondrous Wednesday!

in #funny3 years ago

Wow, a Wise Politician! ( Must have been the Movie Star bit)


I do not think this needs any explaining?


I normally try to have meetings with my Wallet, Driving Licence ,House Keys, and Car Keys, every Morning! ( very time consuming)


All arrived via WhatsApp , and YouTube not my property.
Captions are my Own.

Thought I would give you 2 Videos from Audioslave, an incredible Band that did not last very long!

Chris Cornell's demise really upset me for a long time?, what a Great Singer and Songwriter.

It was not deliberate?, but I appear to have all things, American ,in this Post!


They have been living high on the hog for way too long! That's why they feel they Must disarm the honest citizens here, they fear an armed population!
