Function X: The Newest Phase of Technological Revolution
Function X developed by PundiX Labs is a revolutionary ecosystem designed and structured exclusively for the Blockchain. Function X is fully decentralized ecosystem. Function X is a next generation internet service structure geared towards enhancing the existing Blockchain and internet architecture. Function X combines the benefits of both spheres( Blockchain and Internet) and optimises the most popular technical solutions.
Exploring the Purpose of Function X
The newest face of internet is Blockchain internet and Function X represented by f(x) will be taking the bold lead to power this new dispensation of decentralized world. The five elements of Function X are tailored towards decentralising the internet such that every app, data, image, byte and bit will be decentralized. By building function X-enabled devices, smart-hardware manufacturers will be able to meet growing needs from the market.
F(x) is also the native currency which will be optimised in the Function X Blockchain ecosystem. Services carried out in the ecosystem are processed, fulled by and transacted with FX. This encompasses network resources and storage services on the Function X. FX will be optimised as the "fuel" for the implementation and validation of transactions.The goal of Function X is to bring about a secure, totally decentralized environment that is free of monopolization.
More importantly, everything in f(x) is absolutely secure and decentralized. This implies that the transmission protocol, application source code and hardware can form component of the decentralized network. As a matter of fact, every byte and bit in f(x) is part of the blockchain.
How Important Are the Elements of Function X Ecosystem?
The f(x) ecosystem comprises five components which include:
Operating System
The f(x) Operating System(OS) is a Blockchain-enabled, Android-modified operating system that enables the users to oscillate between the blockchain and regular mode seamlessly. Every bit and byte including browsers, calls, data and data storages can be totally decentralized in the Blockchain mode. Also, DApps are kept in the f(x) OS. In the traditional mode, FX(OS) supports all Android features including Android apps.Public Blockchain
F(x) Public Blockchain is a very secure and high performance public Blockchain. Software and hardware implementation( XPOS, XPhone, etc) helps to achieve the high speeed.FXTP
FXTP stands for Function X transmission protocol. Just as the name implies, it is a fully-fledged decentralized transmission protocol. It is quite similar to HTTP. It enables complete decentralization and P2P transmission of data in a distributed network.Decentralized Docker
F(x)Decentralized Docker is a viable avenue for developers to build, run and ship distributed applicationsIPFS
F(x)( InterPlanetary File System( IPFS) is a network protocol built primarily to store data in a distributed system.
What is XPhone?

XPhone is the world's first Blockchain phone designed and developed by Pundi X Labs. In the Blockchain world, any hardware powdered by Function X is called a node. In other words, XPOS, XPhone etc can be seen as potential nodes. The XPhone enable its users to switch seamlessly between a regular mode that supports Android apps and a " Blockchain mode" that offers users an access to dapps( decentralized apps) loaded on the device.
According to a Pundi X blog, "Blockchain-based calling and messaging can be toggled on and off on the phone operating system, which builds upon Android 9.0." The XPhone also enables carrier-free calling via its peer-to-peer network.
XPhone( BOB)

BOB( Blok on Blok) which is previously code-named Xphone has emerged as the world's first Blockchain phone. In other words, BOB is the newest redesign of the phone codenamed XPhone. It is built and designed on f(x) decentralized protocol. This enables users to exert complete control over their own data. In other words, BOB( Xphone) provide the users with control over their own data, making it a friendlier and safer option to smartphones.
The XPhone is actually a ground-breaking innovation in the fast-paced world of technology. It is more than a typical smartphone. It is infused with Blockchain capabilities. It has X button that enables its users to switch seamlessly between the conventional mode and the Blockchain.
How Xphone is Strikingly different From Other Blockchain Phones and Smartphones
Xphone does not rely on a central server or operator network. It is totally decentralized. Registration of the phone is carried out on the Blockchain network. Immediately, Xphone is bound to find nodes. The nodes deployed come with names and IP address. The next step is to record your recovery seed. This is similar to registering for a Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet.
It is very expedient for to remember all of these in order to recover your private key in the future. This is very critical because in the world of Blockchain, your private key is the proof of identity. At this point, you are expected to verify your recovery seed words. When you are done verifying all the three steps, you can forge ahead with the next step. This step is very important as you would need to create a name for the node running on the Xphone. Every node running on the Function X has must have a unique mode name.
Let us assume we choose the name, "Rise" as a node name. Now, when you have a normal mobile phone, you have a phone number. If you want to call someone, you need to know their phone number. However, in the Function X, you don't need a phone number. All you need to do is to message the owner of the Xphone device with " message rise" or make a call using " call rise" or send an email using ,"email rise"
Another important feature is FXTP Protocol. If you enter the filename in FXTP and put ," rise at the end, you will be able to load document from the node on the Function X Blockchain. For example, if you have a file, image or a video to share. When uploaded to the node, other people can access this shared content by entering the file name and node name in the FXTP field.
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