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RE: How Does it Work - Monty Hall Problem [Illustrated]

in #fun8 years ago

makes me think of the three boxes, 33 percent chance that object is in one of the boxes, but if you remove 1 of the boxes, then there is suddenly 50 percent chance that object is in any of the last two, hasnt really worked for me tho :)


It LOOKS that it has 50 percents chance but looking at the three different scenarios (in the fifth picture here) you will see that it's actually more than 50%, therefore if you switch, 2 in 3 times you will pick the car..

yes, remove one box its 50%, then i remove one more and its close to / or 100% :) the hard part is to rewrite reality that the boxes / doors are really removed and not just in thought. this is where i fail....

But the problem consists of actually removing the box, therefore you don't imagine it. It has appeared in a tv show (according to Wikipedia, the show is Let's Make a Deal).