Behind the way to Cambridge Analyst: interviewing Wielby revealing FB data leak

London - Christopher Wyllie (28), who is making a worldwide sensation by spreading Facebook data leaks, is currently trending in the global media. The British company was working as the Wailee Research Head in Cambridge Analyst. While on this position, he developed psychoactive profiling system.
In an interview to The Observer, Violy has said that before joining Cambridge Anilika, there was not a slight estimate that we were stuck in a janaza. He said, 'Joining Cambridge Analycia' is now being refuted.
Why is Violy Interview Important?
Apologies for research
Wiley said, 'I had two companies' job offer. I had two companies' job offer. But now I'm sorry that I chose 'Cambridge Analycia'. I apologize for my research. '
Wailey said about 'Cambridge Analyca' that this organization is the arsenal of cultural warfare.
Wyley and his team left Cambridge Antilica until Cambridge Analyst used Waeli's research for the presidential election.
It is taken as follows:
- According to Wielie, 'Social media users are people who are happy with themselves. They love their own talent. This is the only place where they share a lot about themselves. For example, what they like, they go to where they are going. Through this third party app, this information can be easily collected and the same study is done for political campaigning.
This advice was given to the user
Violy has advised social media users that using such platform should be taken into consideration as to what we see, hear, and talk with?
Challenging the probe?
- Violy's Facebook and Twitter account has been suspended. Investigating Facebook social network's social account.
Violy has opposed Twitter. He says that I have done the work done for Cambridge Analyst by living in the rules of British Government. No rules of Facebook have been violated.
Violy also made it clear that it will be presented to the US House Intelligence Committee, the Judiciary Committee and the UK Digital Parliamentary Committee.