back in the days - 04/02/1978
Four decades ago,
the original Star Wars movie was released in theaters, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th president of the United States, the Trans-Alaska pipeline pumped its first barrels of oil, the cold war was was still going on and much more...
Take a brief look 40 years ago.

- In the Israeli capital Tel Aviv more than 30 000 people demonstrating for a peace treaty with the former enemies Egypt. They call on Prime Minister Menachem Begin not to block the peace process through ultimatums.
- In Stuttgart, the negotiating partners of the Metal Industry of North Württemberg / North Baden agree on a wage increase of 5%. Income losses in Abgruppierungen due to technological change are hedged. So that the erupted on March 20 labor dispute has ended with strikes and lockouts.
- The East German economist Wolfgang Seiffert, who perceives a teaching position at the University of Kiel, announces that he wants to remain in the Federal Republic.